5AM this morning, and it was time to get up to drive Cassie to her strawberry picking job by 6:00. The temperature was already 74; summer has officially hit Wisconsin.
The beans were calling my name upon my return! I'll let the pictures and captions tell the story.
Beans too crowded; 6"-8" apart. |
Beans thinned and weeded; now 12"-18+" apart |
Rescued beans ready for their new location |
Additional bean space prepped in the upper garden |
Additional beans transplanted; 4 rows of 11 |
TWO lil' guys left over |
Those lil' rogue Tomatoes amongst the weeds...STILLLL calling out my name |
Extra beans and tomatoes "rescued" into planters on the deck. |
Those durn T'maters! I simply can't resist saving them from their spots in the soon-to-be-too-weedy-so-bring-out-the-"BIG"-tractor-tiller locations, scattered in the upper garden.
Paul had these 6 extra green planters just collecting dust in the garage storage area. "I have plans for them...." he said a month ago. .... Well dear, "I have PLANTS for them." :D He's not here to roll his eyes at me; but I'm sure that'll come later. Besides, I've always wanted to try my luck with growing tomatoes in planters. I've obviously never done it before, but I've seen others have success with it.
At the same time, I grabbed an extra windowsill planter for those two lil' extra bean plants :) Gotta save 'em all!!! LOL! So much for downsizing! I counted just shy of 100 bean plants; last year we had 105. Amy, Amy, Amy. Next year, only ONE package of bean seed!!!!!! OH! NOT to forget...Paul is trying his luck with pole beans this year. Good golly! Forgot about them. That's easily another 50-60 plants! Oh dear...
The day is warming quickly; 10AM now and 84, with heavy muggy air, partly cloudy. It's nice when the clouds cover the sun, but when it's shining full potency......whoooo-weee! Time to call it a day for for garden work. I expect Cass to be calling within the hour, finished with her day of strawberry picking. Then the two of us will be heading north to pick up the two other sisters from their kidnapped time with Gma and Gpa.
In the meantime, I think I'll take a gander around my sewing space to see what fabrics aren't good enough for quilting, but PERFECT for a rag rug. :D
Happy Sunday everyone!!!!! Live it up!
Wow that is going to be LOTS of beans. Good thing they aren't the kind that give you gas. LOL! Same them all is right. I love to watch your garden grow. Wish I lived where I could have a garden area. I did buy lots of buckets this year for a bucket garden, just didn't get it all put together yet. So maybe when it cools off a little I will get something planted, otherwise this year it is babying the 4 Rhubarb plants in the heat.
Garden is already looking amazing! One can never have too many fresh veges!
Your weather is crazy! We're having a 'heatwave' at the moment, with temperatures in the mid-high 20s F, that's high 70sC/just into the 80s, and that's still too hot for me, though getting up at 5.00am is not something I'm planning to do. By pole beans do you mean what we call runner beans, that grow up poles, rather than French beans which grow on bushes?
Looks like another successful garden year!! Can't wait to see the harvest :)
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