Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dawn’s Early Light progress and a lil’ crochet

πŸ’ͺ - yes'm. 
HSTs - ✅

Naturally, had to at least piece up one of these...
Cute blasted blocks too 😍

... pretty much πŸ™Œ

We're off shortly to Paul's uncle's Celebration of Life; one of 13 siblings in my MIL's family.
Therefore, with six hours of riding ahead of me, and with slow-stitch Sunday in mind, I'm packing up the crochet project that's been hovering in the corner for a few months.  

Short n sweet update today.


Jenny said...

I'm sure you will get an impressive amount of crochet done while on your car ride.

CathieJ said...

Corchet is always a good car craft. I like that little block.