Monday, July 8, 2024

Design wall Monday - Dawn's Early Light sees some formation

My view from the pillow this AM didn't keep me slumbering much and was up to make some coffee by 5:30, awaiting the waking of DH before he needed to head to work.  Another beautiful morning which slowly evolved into a day of patchy rain clouds, and despite thinking that today was going to be reserved for cherry picking, I (guiltily) headed to the quilting loft after DH and child #3 left for work.

I dare say that Bella and Bailee both enjoy the summer schedule when I'm home to let them in/out as they please.  Bella was absolutely content by the door as I clambered the stairs to the loft.

My morning goal was to piece together the sub units in order to have at least one Dawn's Early Light block on the design wall before needing to close up shop for an evening of volleyball coaching.

Awaiting me on the ironing board were my organizers of DMC floss I had loaned to daughter #1 a year or so ago.  After mentioning my wish to organize my cross-stitch area and knowing that all of her belongings are stored downstairs for the time-being as she's between places, she found the box of her crafts yesterday afternoon when Paul and I were off together for his uncle's funeral.
Hmm... next up: to see what's in my cross-stitch area; perhaps a goal for Sunday's Slow-stitching day.

As for yesterday's Sunday slow-stitch, another 10 rows were added to the ongoing at-my-leisure ripple afghan using up some spare yarn from previous projects.  Generally, my stash is filled with Red Heart yarns, but hmmmmm, I was reminded yesterday how much I love working with Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn yarn.  It's truly rightfully named.

I don't foresee much else getting completed as the afternoon turns to evening since I'll be departing shortly for some summer league VB coaching; my last hurrah before the reins are completely handed over.

Happy Monday

Linking up with:
Small Quilts & Doll Quilts - Design Wall Monday


Sara said...

The quilt block is gorgeous!

Bonnie said...

What a beautiful sight to awaken to. But, 5:30 AM? No thanks... although unfortunately I wake up pretty much at 6:00 am these days, not that I want to. Great job on your Dawn's Early Light block. That's a lot of piecing. I've pretty much given up on counted cross stitch -- I can't see as well as I used to. Are you retiring?