Friday, June 28, 2024

Finished Friday - 2011 RSC Squares; and a lil' tree-trimming, wood-stacking, and dog-grooming

After Tuesday's organization of flimsies and UFOs, Wednesday found me dusting off the Q'nique and refreshing my skills with the 2011 Rainbow Scrap Challenge top.

I'll say again, all these skills are truly coming back just like riding a bike!  There is only one quilt I remember where I sewed the binding to the front and actually hand-stitched on the back.  Psht.  I really don't have the patience for the hand-sewing; I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.  Since I've pretty much mastered machine-sewing the binding, that's the ticket I'm sticking with.  

A scrappy binding was attached from digging in the 2.5" strip bin, and v'iola!  My first full-quilt finish in a few years.  Although not 100% certain, but she will most likely be packaged up and sent off to
Quilts for Kids

Speaking of riding a bike...
Last summer, a couple coworkers and myself started meeting up weekly for a 'bike around the lake.'  This year, we've grown to five ladies in our group, and yesterday was our first meetup of the summer.  The ride is just shy of 9.25 miles and mostly flat, and it was a BEAUTIFUL mid-60s low-humidity morning.

Feeling great and energetic following the ride, motivation was kicking for some outdoorsy tasks that have been on my todo list when time (and weather) allowed.
We have a 20-year old apple tree as a sole-survivor from a half-dozen or so that were planted when we first bought the land, AND remarkably has been producing apples in recent years.  The apples haven't been the best, but I'm hoping that a good (first-ever) heavy pruning will kickstart some legitimate production...  eventually... even if it's definitely the WRONG time of the year for pruning.

The saying is, "if it acts like a shade-tree, it needs a prunin'!"

Bailee girl was most definitely enjoying her time in the shade!  LOL.

Although I didn't have any ladders, I dare say that a good pruning commenced.

POV after cleaning up and clearing many of the middle branches...

We can now see SKY from ground-level.

What a happy lil' tree - Love, Love, Love.
Much of the top is still quite full, however we'll see how she behaves moving forward.

Last summer, the sole-surviving cherry tree was also heavily pruned, its first ever also.  And I mean, HEAVY pruning!

And she's LOADED with cherries this year, all beginning to ripen.  Montmorency cherries; they are a bit on the tart side, but make a MEAN cherry pie and some great wine!

THEN, ...this pile.  I mean, who needs to pay for a gym membership when you have outside physical hobbies too?  Hm, maybe we shouldn't actually call this a 'hobby.'  Perhaps 'homesteading life' is a better description, but all the same... this load of logs was processed and piled last summer, so it was given my attention for the next couple of hours.

No, no no... the entire pile hasn't been finished!  LOL.  Good golly, that'd be impressive!  But an additional 'dent' was made and a pallet added and stacked while being spoiled with absolutely PERFECT afternoon weather;  still upper 60s/maybe lows 70; partly sunny.  The pile is my ongoing 'little bit at a time' past-time this summer when I'm in need of some physical activity.

Some soapin' has been happening these past couple of days as well

THEN, today... oy! Bailee girl was well overdo for a bath and grooming!  Goodness, I was a bit shocked at the passing of time when I checked the calendar.  Today marks about 10 weeks since her last groom!  

Bailee's our 6 and a half year old Golden Doodle.  She has the absolute BEST demeanor!  Her fur has the natural poodle curl when she's wet...

but once fully dried, it relaxes a bit more like the golden retriever in her.
My goodness!  What a poofball.  LOL. 
I wasn't the least bit tempted at keeping her hair long; she's due for a nice summer cut.

Look at those furry paws... the water was FILTHY from them due to all the rain (and mud) this past week)

Peek-a-boo!  (couldn't resist)

No WONDER she's been slip-sliding on the hard wood floors lately...


Seriously, 10 weeks?!?!? THAT won't happen again.
So one full garbage bin later...

Our Bailee is back!

... and of course it rained all morning... LOL. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

UFO, WIP, Flimsy parade - time to get organized!

I decree that yesterday's new name shall be - "Tally Tuesday"
Also, when ya can't beat the heat to sew comfortably in the loft (since we frugal ol' fuddy-duddies haven't folded to turn on the AC yet), t'was time to ORGANIZE all the bins and shelves and 'chair piles' downstairs in the basement quilting space. Don’t get me wrong! I like the heat 🤗 but this task needed to get done all the same.
I haven't truly been in full-blown 'quilter-mode' since probably 2013/14, as my faithful followers of year's gone by can attest to; life simply got busy with the girls growing up 🥰. However, with a couple recent quilt-top finishes this week that had been in almost-finished stages, I really wanted to get a gauge of the status of all the other "things" down there. Ya know... to make plans and goals! 😉
👇👇The parade of current UFOs (unfinished objects), WIPs (works in progress) and FLIMSIES (quilt top ready for quilting), plus a few HMIDs (holy moly, it's done) quilts.
[[alright, I made up that last acronym]] 😜

FIrst up, the Flimsies...

Omigosh flimsy - 73"x 92"
Designer: Susan Garman

Omigosh perspective

Monday, June 24, 2024

Design Wall Monday and a day of putterings

The design wall was hung in its new location Sunday afternoon, along the full wall of the newly tidied guest bedroom.  A pile of blocks had been waiting for this moment and were organized straight away this morning.  No pattern is being followed for these, but they are a pairing that seem to play nicely together.
HOWEVER, I'm not sold on those large 3.5" plain white units.  I feel like I've cheated! 
So.... perhaps change them out....????? 


I suppose some fancy quilting could spice up all that white space down the line...?  It'll percolate for a bit yet before I completely decide since the neutral string blocks for Dawn's Early Light are flowing nicely through the machine, for now anyway.

Was already piecing away shortly after 7:00 this morning before I thought to document the time.  Just how long do fifteen 3.5" strings blocks take to piece?...

... 'bout 45 minutes.

At that point, the day of un-scheduled puttering took off.

I needed to shower.  #1.  
Then I needed to run to town to pick up some chick food for our newest hatchlings. #2.

And instead of using shredded paper, I contemplated using straw, but knew I needed some down in the garden yet, so.... off to the garden I went to putter.  #3.

Which evolved into a full-blown tilling endeavor after walking the paths for any final tomato and bean 'volunteers.'  #4.

Grow Baby, Grow!
It's not much to look at right now, BUT... having checked the garden's unplanned items off my list today, I'll be freed up completely for piecing and sewing and more piecing tomorrow!

After a quick late-lunch sandwich, I headed back to the sewing loft for another hour (or so) of piecing (#5) with one of my favorite background-noise shows: Grey's Anatomy, until Paul arrived home at 4:00.  The Log Cabin blocks (UFO #2) have been turned into the current leader-ender project.

We strolled the garden together and both 'grrr'd' at the potato bugs we spied.  So, he started picking the bugs off while I began weeding some of the corn rows (#6).

By 5:00, we broke for a quick bite before heading to town to catch some youth softball games (#7).  
Daughter's of the BB coach, 6th and 4th grade.

And rolled back home in time to catch the 400M Men's final race.  

I love these days that 'just happen,' and are productively full.  And while waiting for these photos to upload, I had a hankering for something SWEET!  Being one who has never tried a cookie-in-a-cup recipe before, I gave it a whirl.  I don't even know what (or how) I thought of it.

Cookie in a cup recipe
Not amazing, but hit the spot all the same.

Tomorrow -- quilting!  Yup.  That's the ticket, I think.
Happy Monday :)

Head over to Small Quilts and Doll Quilts to link up to Design Wall Mondays.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Slow Stitch Sunday - de-papering string blocks

The first of the neutral strings were tamed this afternoon for the beginning stages of Bonnie's Dawn's Early Light quilt.

And then the papers were removed while watching the Fever vs Sky BB game this afternoon, and then again during the Track & Field Olympic trials this evening.

Where's my String Frenzy?

My string bin should have its own zip code, and I have a plump full bag of just neutrals! 

I have a hankering to mindlessly piece some string blocks for Dawn's Early Light, but... I can't find my copy of String Frenzy anywhere to know the sizes of papers! (see Bonnie's String Frenzy Trunk show from 2018).  I have allll of her other books neatly organized on my shelf, but String Frenzy...???!!  I made Emerald City a couple years ago (will post that eventually as a Flimsy ready for quilting), but... where oh where did I lay that blasted book?...  I suppose part of my day today needs to be reserved for tidying the basement area still set up with my Q'nique 15Pro.  Maaaaaybe that's where she's hiding!

Carry on, and happy Sunday.

UPDATE:  Found it!!!  Yippee!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Rainbow Scraps in blue -- Star Struck, Pineapple Blossom, 36-patch Diamonds

T'was a full day, and I'm a wee bit pooped. 

The day began with the steam vac carpet cleaner again.  Knowing how absolutely filthy the loft carpet was, another cleaning was performed and then the stairs were tackled.  I was truly baffled at how DIRTY they were once I stood back and observed this photo.  And by 1:30, all was completed and the machine cleaned.  Using the word of the lady I borrowed the machine from -- "satisfying," specially after the loft was put back together, fully organized and ready for sewing.

I was excited to get back to some piecing, so I sifted through some orphan blocks I have and plans were devised.  I had some Star Struck blocks, Pineapple Blossom blocks, and a 36-patch diamond block of sorts that were set aside on a shelf, therefore MANY Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilts have been plotted.

Four star struck blocks were pieced to join the few others...

and I tell ya, piecing blocks and remembering the tricks of trade is like riding a bike!  I wasn't about to toss and waste those corners, so bonus HSTs were sewn, pressed...

trimmed to 2", and then pieced into a blue 36-patch 'diamond' block.  

I don't know if this block has an official name; I'm gonna simply call it a Diamond block, and it'll join a scrappy one I dabbled with way back in the day.

and to wrap up the day, some 2" blue strips were organized into 3 Pineapple Blossom blocks, followed naturally by 3 bonus pinwheels that'll be used in the border down the line.  This is one of my most favorite blocks of Bonnie's, having made a couple scrappy quilts in the past.

Finally, I insisted on purchasing a new tape measure since my red one sprouted legs and obviously found a new location to hang out.  This one's been labeled this time!