Ya know...I could really get used to this "stress-free-vacation-time." How old do we need to be before we can retire????? *wink*
Yesterday morning brought the 2nd (and final) day of non-official volleyball practice; it wasn't as great as Monday because the girls' defense skills weren't up to par. But, oh well----they play tonight (Wednesday) for the first time; I'll be giving them a call tomorrow to see how things went.

I worked a little on the DWR (double wedding ring) yesterday afternoon, but my blisters started breaking open a little and the water was trickling out, so I took a break until after dinner. Besides, I was tired and really was self-disciplining myself to "keep going." Hmmmm...... that's not too good when it comes to quilting!

But then, after dinner, I was ready to head back downstairs. I wasn't "feeling" the DWR. Instead, I printed out these directions (
Pin cushion / Thread catcher). I didn't have any play-sand, but I've been around long enough to know that you need to make every pattern your own, which I did here as well. We have LOADS of 4" tiles in the basement (left over from making our shower 5 years ago), so I wrapped one in scrap batting pieces, bundled up other batting pieces and stuffed it all into the fabric instead of using sand. It worked out just fine. This project really went quick, so I can foresee making another and gifting it to my MIL when I see her on Friday.

I'm not sure about your children, but my girls LOVE the camera. "Mom, take a picture of me....." "Mom, let me take a picture of this...." Yesterday was Princess Day at the household....
The girls have a "friend" over today, so they all will be hiding upstairs and outside for most of the day, I think. She's the daughter of my husband's contractor; her mom and brother are gone for the week, so she'll be spending the days with us for the rest of the week while dad if off working.
Okay, time to start the day!
Happy Wednedsay.
The DWR is looking great! I haven't attempted that pattern yet and may not for quite some time. The girls look so cute! Hope your hand heals quickly....Regina
Love the colors in that double wedding ring. It is going to be spectacular. I bought one of those thread catcher things instead of making one, they are really handy! The girls make grand princesses!
Ohh I hope you hand heals soon. There's nothing worse than a burn. I made one of those thread catchers a couple of years ago and like you, I used a tile as a weight in it. It's brilliant and I use it all the time. Love the Double Wedding Ring and your girls are too cute for words. Enjoy the break and relax - you deserve some time to yourself.
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