I pulled a classic "glance-around-the-quilting-room-for-what-to-work-on-next" move...and grabbed a stack of unpieced UFO blocks (Steppin' Out - dyed). I spent about an hour piecing those into "arrow" blocks, awaiting the next step. Hmmm...maybe this will be the March UFO from Nancy??

Jade's Hearts also saw some progress. Ten "connector blocks" were pieced today, and loads and loads of HST's are still attached to the machine at the moment...

Stash Report: February 22-28
Used this week: 7.854 (more Curtains, Paintbox blocks, Nicu & Paintbox backings)
Purchased this week: 0 yards
Used-to-date 2010: 70.735 yards
Purchased-to-date 2010: 86.25 yards
Net used: -15.515 yards
Woohoo--another couple of weeks and I should be back "in the black" :0)
I don't think I've ever seen the back of Perkiomen dreams, it is so happy. It looks like you got quite a bit done today despite the post curtain burn out. You will certainly have some serious quilting time to look forward to when your machine comes back. Have a great week.
Great finish on the perkiomen dreams, lovely use of fabrics on the back too. It is striking!
As for your stash way to go despite you showing more gained than used. Glad to have company since I'm in the same predicament, but sales are a good thing , so had to buy a bolt! LOL.
Wow! You sure got a lot accomplished this past week - good for you. Thanks for including pictures of your quilts - it is fun to see them.
Another great day for you. The back on Perkiomen Daydreams is pretty enough to be a quilt all by itself and 10,000 pieces is awesome. I'll probably never get ambitious enough for a Perkiomen Daydreams, but I think I see another Paintbox in my future. I absolutely love your Paintbox of Color. I think I need to start looking for ginghams.
Great label! I love how you give credit to everyone who contributed to the quilt.
Your paintbox is awesome!
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