Thursday, July 14, 2011

More Morning Midgets & some strip play [Rainbow Scrap Challenge]

Okay....don't laugh!
If you read my post yesterday, I said that I ran 6 miles Tuesday morning (tired, but felt alright) and then, for my day off of running, I power-walked 4 miles yesterday (yeah, with that true power-walk gait). Well....did you realize there is a difference in muscle use when running versus when power-walking??

OMGoodness! A tendon at the back of my left knee is KILLING me!!! I even have a little gimpy walk right now because I can't fully straighten my leg :0( Therefore.....there was NO RUNNING for me this AM. HOWEVER, tomorrow---no excuses! I simply must get my speed workout in once I drop the girls off in the morning. A little ibuprofin will help me out if needed :0)

Therefore...after dropping the girls off this morning, I was jetting my way back home right away. It was a dreary, overcast, COOL day out, so I perked up another pot of coffee and then headed downstairs for another morning of Midget Madness.

I finished up Block #16: Christmas Tree

and then came Block #17: Airplane

and Block #18: New Album with some fussy-cutting

and Block #19: Crow's Nest

and....ummm.....WHOA!!!!!! Holy buckets! Who ever designed this baby???!?!? I simply didn't have the heart to start it with only 30 minutes left before needing to pick the girls up. So, I left a bit early and visited with a few students and teachers while waiting for the girls.

The afternoon consisted of taking Shadow to the vet (5 yr old Black Lab) and working in the garden. During dinner, I announced to Paul that I did NOT plan to head back outside after dinner; I wanted to spend some time downstairs.

And despite having this on my design wall

and this on the quilting frame

and these waiting on the side for borders and backing
(sound familiar Angela??!??!) ;0)

Instead.....THIS box of RWB scraps were itching to be organized and made into something for Angela's July Rainbow Scrap Challenge

I actually had a Quick Quilts pattern all set to try out that called for 2.5" strips. Hmmm.......I really didn't have that many in my RWB box; instead, I had loads of 2" strips. So.....ho-hum...ho-hum.......wonder what would happen if I strip them up a bit....

and then grab a couple of specialty rulers.....the Companion to make some QST units and the Easy Angle for some HST units (and to eliminate as much waste as possible)...

A little arrangement here....

a little arrangement there....

laying out the blocks for a view of what can be obtained with an hour of putzing. Two cute blocks; the larger 9.5" unfinished, and the smaller 6.5" (trimmed up) unfinished. Thoughts of having the larger blocks in the center, and maybe the smaller blocks as border units? Or backing units???

And then....another designing lightbulb hit.......grabbing some 2" white strips.....

LOOK at how nicely the two play together now!!!!!! LOVE IT! Now......hmmmmmm......a name for this design?

Hope your quilting and summer endeavors are splendidly marching along :0)

OH! Gosh.....maybe that's the name???? "Splendidly Marching Along"


Andee said...

Amy great progress happening on your midget blocks and just looking at the one you stopped on reminded me why I DON'T NEED to make them myself! I can't wait to see how yours comes out. It would take me two days and I wouldn't be happy with it then! Loving the red, white and blue blocks though!

scraphappy said...

Remember once you are paper piecing, the size doesn't matter any more. Deep breath and DIVE IN. Love your blocks so far. Those red white and blue blocks are adorable. So amazing what can come of a liitle time to play.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

You talk about my go woman, go!!! Loving those midget blocks!! You did exactly what I was going to suggest on the red white and blue blocks.....before I got to that part. Love the look of Splendidly Marching Along!!!

Jane said...

What a productive day! The red, blue and white block are stunning

Amanda said...

Wow, you have achieved a lot, puts me to shame. I spend so much time reading that I never really put in some solid sewing time like that. I really like your red, white and blue blocks.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Great job on the midgets!! And I love those RWB blocks you made. :)

Quilter Kathy said...

You just sound so much like me with various projects waiting for you everywhere you look...piecing, quilting, designing, borders....too much fun! Love those midget blocks! Oh yah...and I love the R,W & B project too...I love it all!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ummmm I LOVE that!!!! And I have strips - and you really want to splain it all really well - right so I can copy???? What a great idea you have!!!

Ellen said...

Love how your RWB blocks turned out - they will make a gorgeous quilt!

Candace said...

You did make up the "Splendidly Marching Along". I think this needs to be on my list of quilts. You are so creative.