Typically, I'm an edge-to-edge pantograph quilter, however this little lip will create havoc in that plan. Therefore, time is being taken to tie-off threads at the start and end of each pass in the center portion of the quilt in order to keep her border treatment to remain unique. Once the center is quilted, the quilt will then be reinstalled length-wise in order to quilt her outer borders.

Pantograph of choice: this edge-to-edge 7" pantograph from Cheryl Barnes.
In other news...

A few moments were taken this morning to transplant a few early Cherry Tomato seedlings that are destined to be potted plants, producing (hopefully) by mid April. I'm waiting somewhat patiently for the end of March in order to plant all the rest of the Garden 2017 tomatoes; a couple new varieties being tested out this year.
Caitlyn has been joining me downstairs during my recent quilting endeavors in order to bring her quilt to completion. Last weekend, she finished up piecing the blocks. Today, she hopes to get all (most?) of the top's center pieced together.

And last weekend, after hours of standing behind the quilting machine, my back was given a rest when I pulled out the ongoing (FOREVER!) WIP monster king-size Manghan for the hubster. The good news is it's over half completed ;)
Happy Sunday everyone!