**heavenly sigh**
Happy New Year. Happy 2025. Happiness to ALL in ALL you endeavor.
Imma start with the short recovery run that Bailee's puppy-dog eyes INSISTED we take this afternoon (I think she was feeling lonely and bored after I had been (almost completely, but not entirely) ignoring her while in the quilting loft for 6ish hours)
LOL. Having taken the day off of running yesterday, it didn't take much convincing...
... even though t'was a bit on the not-so-nice scale outside. I really don't mind running in cold weather, but that wind is another story. Ughers! BUT... I bundled, and we got out for a simple down-n-back to the corner.
Truly an easy run: 1.77 miles (11'37/mile pace). The knees were apparent right off the bat, but by the end, they had loosened nicely. When we ran the Half on Monday, it wasn't initially on the weekly plan; actually about 4 weeks too soon, but we only 'ran' it versus 'racing' it. I wanted to end the year meeting my December goal of >100 miles having only done it once before in 2013. Despite, the knees were starting to become a bit tender during the last half mile or so.
December wrap-up: 104.5 miles 👊, my second highest monthly mileage ever.
I use the Nike Run Club (NRC) app on my phone to track all my runs. I LOVE this app! There are plans available for many different race-lengths and/or for simple walks or runs a person may be interested in, all for free, and coach-guided for EVERY plan. Today, Coach Bennett had us focus on the purpose of every run. During Monday's Half-marathon training run, right around mile 8, he had us focus on two things that were going well, and then later at about 8.5 miles, two things that weren't going that great.
I was brain-dead. I couldn't come up with ANYTHING! Not a brag at all. Just... wow; like I really couldn't think of anything that was going poo-poo.
I was brain-dead. I couldn't come up with ANYTHING! Not a brag at all. Just... wow; like I really couldn't think of anything that was going poo-poo.
For the most part, life is good! The run was clipping along. Bailee is an amazing partner. I LOVE running with her!!! She really makes my time laced up SO enjoyable! Things are going well with a couple colleagues who have also been on a fitness journey. School, for the most part, is going swimmingly well. Family is good. AND, I've been on holiday break, and the stress had started melting away already last week.
So, I am knocking VERY loudly on the wood armrest of my glider-rocker.
Life. Is. Good! And I TRULY hope the same is true for you!!!
Okay, now onto the quilting.

So, I am knocking VERY loudly on the wood armrest of my glider-rocker.
Life. Is. Good! And I TRULY hope the same is true for you!!!
Okay, now onto the quilting.

And bless this guy; he schlepped up one of his Little Giant ladders to replace some dead bulbs in my quilting loft; I was down to three from six, so some supplemental lights had been sufficing in the meantime. And me?... I continued on with the Old Town mystery, cutting, cutting and more cutting of browns and neutrals for clue #8 for about four hours to completion.
And all of THAT while, making continual progress on the star blocks for Dawn's Early Light.
Bailee at least seems to be content now. And after 45 minutes in my portable steam sauna (a Cyber Monday self-purchased Christmas present to myself), I too am quite content. I am not an affiliate to Amazon or the likes, but maaaan oh mannnn, this Portable Steam Sauna has been one of my Top10 best purchases EVER. The picture here is my POV to the sauna's window viewed through the steam from the chair that included 😊💆
Happy New Year, 2025. And remember to #MakeItAGreatDay!
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