Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bonus day - Old Town sashing; Dawn's E.Light strings, and Friendship Chain started

We were given a "bonus day" up here in NW Wisconsin.  Actually, most of Wisconsin and Minnesota were put on stand-by today due to the extreme cold; numerous schools across the states closed.  What about your area?  I caught the nightly news and the USA weather map showed state after state in extreme cold temps -- did anyone else have a bonus day?

I used mine as best I could, certainly!  The brainstorm session for Old Town's sashing yesterday was successful, and today, all of the units were prepped and placed on the design wall.  

The units have yet to be pieced, so there's a slight disconnect in continuity in the photo.  All of the units appear to be aligned correctly; I think it's a GO for piecing. 

A partial collection of the blue string blocks were trimmed to size on and off all morning between trimming units for Old Town's sashing.

Much of the day, however, was spent in contemplation-mode.
Years ago, the school's Community Ed program inquired with me about offering some quilting classes.  I haven't offered a class since 2009My goodness, time has flown! And I've learned sooooo MUCH since then.   Heavy consideration is once again afoot about teaching a beginner's course of quilting fundamentals.  
The jury's still out, but a simple little pattern was brainstormed and fabrics chosen that could duo nicely as a crib quilt for Quilts for Kids.  We'll see where this leads in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

scraphappy said...

A bonus day sounds like a fun surprise. We had just the opposite. Monday was supposed to have been a holiday for President's day, but we had to give it back as a hurricane makeup day. Not nearly as much fun as an extra day in the sewing room. You block layout looks great! I hope that you were able to get the rows sewing together. Have fun with the quilting class. 2009 was a long time ago, I am sure you have a new trick or two up your sleeve since then.