Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Design Wall Monday (a day late) - Status of Log Cabin Blocks

A new favorite word recently seems to be "putzing."

We're empty nesters, and we've transitioned quite nicely into the empty-nest household.  Don't get me wrong! NATURALLY we DO love our girlies, specially when they come home... but we always have roughly a bazillion irons in the fire to keep us busy.  For example, currently, the hubster has been spending hours and hours in the kitchen processing a few pigs he and a buddy butchered up on Sunday; these are a couple that he's been raising since September.  He has a long night ahead of him yet, too.  Oy.

So, I ventured to the quilting loft, and sifted about.  T'was time to get a beat on the status of the classic Log Cabin blocks that seem to have been around for quiiiite some time.  A quick search on the blog says these have been around since at least 2014.  Whoo-hooo, how's THAT for a UFO?  (WIP??) lol

Twenty-six 10" blocks are completely finished, and twenty-two are nearing completion after just a couple more colored strips are added to the edges.  Forty-eight might just cut it;  this would result in a 6x8 layout; 60" x 80" before borders... yup.  Seems like that'll be a plan of action.

So, although they aren't actually up on the design wall YET, tis good a day as any to be linking up with Small Quilts & Doll Quilts for Design Wall Monday. 

And my day job update -- there are certainly days where life is GRAND in the mathematically-delicious world of education!  Today was a good day; in EVERY class! Amazing mathematical-minded cherubs are definitely in the making.  

Pre-Calculus example of determining roots of polynomials.  
(no nightmares allowed, people!) - ha

It's definitely what they say:  "Do what you love and love what you do!"

Happy Tuesday.  Hoping your day was amazingly awesome as well.

Running action today: Hill workout


Panto Pam said...

Can't wait to see your layout of the blocks. Log cabin quilts are my favorite to sew up scraps.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Fun log cabins - glad you pulled them back out. Tell P to take breaks - thats a LOT of work!!!