Monday, February 17, 2025

Dawn's Early Light progress; slow-"unstitch" Sunday


The blue string blocks have all been checked off.  EVERY drawer was sifted; the 1.5", 2", 2.5" 3.5", string and bonus triangles... the ONLY scraps of blue that remain are what's pictured here.  
Bonnie certainly is inspirational and I wonder if anyone else wonders how long some of her quilts take for her to create, not including the design time.  This one has been underway for me since last June.  Sure, sure... I haven't been working on it day and night, but the hours are still tallying to an impressive total.

Now, the de-papering begins!  Some of slow-stitch Sunday evening was spent in the chair, with feet up.  This counts, right??  Until I CRASHED!  Hence, why this post is hitting in the morning versus last night.

Excitingly, units are coming together at a quicker pace now.  
The red-star blocks done
Red-star blocks and neutral string units pieced
And then pieced together with the blue/strings HST units...
One more good day of sewing should see them all come together into the top. 

Mind over matter persevered! Not a sob-story looking for sympathy, just fact... this weather is sloooooowly starting to annoy me.  But Bailee's puppy-dog eyes won me over in the afternoon, and we bundled up, setting out for a walk to at least break the seal... which resulted in a 10K training run.  

Design Wall Monday is the number 1 goal for today on this bonus day off from school for President's Day, but probably not with Dawn's Early Light.  The Old Town mystery quilt blocks are currently taking up space on it.  I'll be breaking away from Bonnie's plans a little bit; my color choices would result in all the sashing units being pink, but... I don't want the quilt to be seen as a 'pink quilt.'  

Off to brainstorm...

Linking up with Kathy's Quilt Slow-Sunday stitching

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