Heya, heya. TWO MORE WEEKS and then my life will slow back down (okay...maybe THREE!!!) State volleyball is three weeks aways; this week brings on Regional tournaments and I am very hopeful for the girls to make it to the Finals. HOWEVER, the dreadful bugs have started working through the squad -- one of my players just texted me, saying she was at a 102.6 fever and throwing up. UGH UGH UGH!

We had our 6-team invitational yesterday, and did about as good as expected -- 3rd. We're a small school, and we always put ourselves up to the challenge of player larger schools. The two teams ahead of us were division 3 schools (we are division 4). We did beat one division 3 school (4th place) and two division 4 schools (5th and 6th). Tuesday brings on our first Regional game, which we SHOULD come away quite easily with a victory. Then, we will advance to Friday's Regional Semi-final and we need to be firing on all cylinders to get beyond that match. GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!!
I spent all day today doing laundry, updating volleyball statistics and working on Pre-Calculus problems for the upcoming week. I wanted to get some quilting done, but that sadly just didn't happen today.
However, last weekend, I DID find some time to sew :0).....

I needed to clear up some floor space, so I buckled down and sewed together 12 rows of
Perkiomen Daydreams. As soon as the vball season ends, THIS will be the project that I tackle full-force, because my lovely PIF lady (Carol - Cornfield Quilter) agreed to quilt it as my PIF gift. HOW INCREDIBLE IS THAT?!?!?!

As leaders-enders, I kept sewing up some hour-glass blocks for my
Chunky Churndash.

I also pulled out a top that my MIL requested to be quilted by me. I washed up the backing and sandwiched it all together. I'll have to keep looking at it until I get inspired with a quilting design, because I'm clueless right now as to how I will quilt it. ANY SUGGESTIONS WILL BE GREATLY, GREATLY APPRECIATED :0) :0) :0)
Off to catch up on all of your lives....
Happy Sunday!