First of all----four days of running, and still going strong! Well....THREE days (Monday, Tuesday and Today) of running; yesterday was more like a mile of "drag-behind-the-dog-who-has-never-been-leash-trained-but-owner-was-willing-to-start-a-running-regimen" run, so I'm not counting it.
And the shin-splints are bearing down 100%---gotta get done with this post and ice them.
Anyway---the title of this post:

YEAH! Between Tuesday night's "Biggest Loser" weekly episodes, and tonight's mid-season 2-hour continuation of "Flash Forward," I haven't been able to get much accomplished on the quilting front! :0(
Ummm...my goal of those labels? Um, yeah....slow going! Maybe I'll be finding myself doing some hand-sewing up at the
farm this weekend to get them on the quilts so they can be left with MIL. We haven't been up to the
farm in MONTHS and G'ma & G'pa are whining to see the girls. What'cha gonna do?
Happy Thursday!
Glad to hear that you are out there running again. Have a great time at the farm this weekend.
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