Oh boy
Please repeat after me....
First of all....I only needed to spend about another hour to hour-n-half setting up the frame and carriage for a total of 5.5-6 hours of assembly. Not bad, I guess......
There were some frustrating parts...
a) the hardware sent for the "carriage upgrade" didn't match the directions. It appears they substituted in similar hardware, which I figured out after scratching my head for ten minutes wondering what to do. It was too late to get to town, NOR did I want to run to town to get some 10mm screws of some sort.
b) the base of the carriage (a plastic part) is cracked something fierce ;0( I shrugged it off for now because if still seemed functional, but I will have to contact the company about getting a replacement.
c) the new carriage upgrade doesn't have a stylus like the original did!! :0( I went online and see they have a $50 laser for the newer upgrades.....hmpf....not sure if I'm okay with them no longer including some form of stylus yet or not.
d) installing the leaders. Thank GOODNESS I had done my research prior to the arrival of the frame; I made my leaders last week. But it appears that the first time the fabri-fast system is used, it needs to get "broken in." {{kinda like a new pair of sandles---it takes awhile to get them fitting just right}} My thumb and fore-finger are still tender trying to

But, finally, a finished product.
Then it came time to play....
which lead to a few other minor frustrations...
a) The initial turning-on of machine using the Speed Control. I didn't realize it was set to full-bore, by the time I got to the "kill switch", I had an annoying nest of thread under the plate that didn't want to BUDGE! It probably took a good 15 minutes to fight all the thread in the nooks and crannies in, around, under the plate.
b) the little sampler I loaded on the frame had too small of a backing, so I kept "bumping" into the side clamps... Lesson learned: at LEAST 2" of backing extra on each side {{JUST like all LA'ers are always requesting}}.
c) and, of course, tension. But......even though this isn't the best picture, if you zoom into the right side the pic, the tension finally got figured out. My side clamps were too tight.

I am very much looking forward to a full night of play and learning tomorrow night. Some of you keep joking about the illness you all think will suddenly succumb me {{cough-cough}}, but this has been one weird week and I really need to be in my classroom. I contemplated taking a personal day of Friday, but haven't 100% decided either way. It WOULD be an easy day for a sub; working on a project and tests, but......I just took a personal day last week. So....I can make it. Besides, I need to head to my parent's this weekend, so.....{{shrug}}....I am learning patience. :0)
Motto: "Change is always hard."
This will be my motto for the next month; I can't say anything bad yet about the frame and Juki combo because I haven't had anywhere near enough time to break it in. I have to jump on the band-wagon of other quilters who say..."it will take practice before it becomes comfortable and 2nd nature." As bad as I want to simply snap my fingers and I'll be an amazing quilter that makes you drool with envy......LOL....yeah.....Ain't happening yet!!!!
And so....it's 11:00, and I'm beat. My back is sore and I'm exhausted.
looking forward to playing again tomorrow evening.
Happy Wednesday
Sorry it was sooo frustrating to put it together BUT....you DID!!! ( HUGE step forward if you ask me LOL )
Take a DEEP breath (next step is gonna be easy for ya...) count to a thousand and......back! Maybe then you'll be half way to the patience you still need ...SO take it one step at a time....and enjoy... just as much as I enjoy reading your adventures!!
Hugs from one cheese head to another...^-^
Why can't manufacturers send the correct components? It's so frustrating and so common. But now that you've got it set up it looks awesome. It's been interesting to see Angela's progress, so I'm looking forward to reading about your progress to quilt perfection!
What a huge task putting all that together...and THEN to find there was somehing missing. It looks completely complicated to me...but you are happy with it, and I am sure you will have fun getting to know each other. ♥
It's all together now...Yippy!
I won't tell ya how long mine took to assemble. lol
It does take time to learn, but you will get it. If I can get it..you will too!
Have Fun with it!!!
Congratulations. You are going to have so much fun as long as you allow your self to "practice" and not criticize what you create. We have to learn a new skill and that is what this is.
I do suggest you make "side leaders" which will help with the "bumping" of the machine into the clamps. After I did this, I was much happier. Used ticking, a free paint stick from the h/w store and serged the edges. Mine are 13 inches wide, 20 inches long, folded in half lengthwise and serged.
Above all, Have fun.
Think about how long it took you to make your first quilt. How you had to look up every step and find directions and it seemed totally foreign. Now think of how it has become second nature to throw on a binding and plan out a border, how effortlessly you can make it all come together. Eventually all of this will seem like second nature as well. Really, Your first practice piece is fabulous! Too bad you can't jump in and go at it endlessly, but I guess patience it a good thing too. Or so I've heard......
Congratulations on the new set-up!! I know you are going to have fun with it.
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