Oh boy
Please repeat after me....
First of all....I only needed to spend about another hour to hour-n-half setting up the frame and carriage for a total of 5.5-6 hours of assembly. Not bad, I guess......
There were some frustrating parts...
a) the hardware sent for the "carriage upgrade" didn't match the directions. It appears they substituted in similar hardware, which I figured out after scratching my head for ten minutes wondering what to do. It was too late to get to town, NOR did I want to run to town to get some 10mm screws of some sort.
b) the base of the carriage (a plastic part) is cracked something fierce ;0( I shrugged it off for now because if still seemed functional, but I will have to contact the company about getting a replacement.
c) the new carriage upgrade doesn't have a stylus like the original did!! :0( I went online and see they have a $50 laser for the newer upgrades.....hmpf....not sure if I'm okay with them no longer including some form of stylus yet or not.
d) installing the leaders. Thank GOODNESS I had done my research prior to the arrival of the frame; I made my leaders last week. But it appears that the first time the fabri-fast system is used, it needs to get "broken in."
{{kinda like a new pair of sandles---it takes awhile to get them fitting just right}} My thumb and fore-finger are still tender trying to
struggle, fight, force, coerce the plastic tube into place.

But, finally, a finished product.
Then it came time to play....
which lead to a few other minor frustrations...
a) The initial turning-on of machine using the Speed Control. I didn't realize it was set to full-bore, by the time I got to the "kill switch", I had an annoying nest of thread under the plate that didn't want to BUDGE! It probably took a good 15 minutes to fight all the thread in the nooks and crannies in, around, under the plate.
b) the little sampler I loaded on the frame had too small of a backing, so I kept "bumping" into the side clamps... Lesson learned: at LEAST 2" of backing extra on each side {{JUST like all LA'ers are always requesting}}.
c) and, of course, tension. But......even though this isn't the best picture, if you zoom into the right side the pic, the tension finally got figured out. My side clamps were too tight.

I am very much looking forward to a full night of play and learning tomorrow night. Some of you keep joking about the illness you all think will suddenly succumb me {{cough-cough}}, but this has been one weird week and I really need to be in my classroom. I contemplated taking a personal day of Friday, but haven't 100% decided either way. It WOULD be an easy day for a sub; working on a project and tests, but......I just took a personal day last week. So....I can make it. Besides, I need to head to my parent's this weekend, so.....{{shrug}}....I am learning patience. :0)
Motto: "Change is always hard."
This will be my motto for the next month; I can't say anything bad yet about the frame and Juki combo because I haven't had anywhere near enough time to break it in. I have to jump on the band-wagon of other quilters who say..."it will take practice before it becomes comfortable and 2nd nature." As bad as I want to simply snap my fingers and I'll be an
amazing quilter that makes you drool with envy......LOL....yeah.....Ain't happening yet!!!!
And's 11:00, and I'm beat. My back is sore and I'm exhausted.
looking forward to playing again tomorrow evening.
Happy Wednesday