Homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back former residents of an area or alumni of a school. It most commonly refers to a tradition in many universities, colleges and high schools in North America. It usually includes activities for students and alumni, such as sports and culture events and a parade through the streets of the city or town. {{courtesy of wikipedia}}
I would agree with MOST of that.....but more is needed!!!

ALLLLLLL of these events lead up to one finality: THE HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME ON FRIDAY NIGHT!
Ya see---we Americans LOVE our football. (Not that soccer game....no, no, no......the game of the genuine "pig skin", oblong brown ball) :0)

My first 6 years, I was teaching in the High School wing, but when the Junior High math teacher retired 7 years ago....I JUMPED at the opportunity to move over a wing with the the amazing close-knit Junior High Staff! Jan teaches English to our Junior High students, and we have been "neighbors" since my transition. When I first started teaching 14 years ago, I was also hired on as the Assistant Volleyball Coach (JV squad), and this is truly what brought Jan and I super-close together :0) She was the Head Coach at the time. We were a dynamic-duo coaching staff for 8 years, and I learned so much from her. A TRUE, good-hearted, respectful mentor! LOVE HER TO DEATH!!!! And I couldn't imagine the work place without her!

So....despite some poo-poo-butts that exist in EVERY corner of the world, and EVERY job environment that exists....I'm happy to say that there are also some AMAZING people in every corner of the world as well! :0)
Happy Tuesday!
Tomorrow's Homecoming Dress-up Day: "Senior Citizen Day." Hmmm...wonder if I have some old polyester pants hiding in my sewing stash inherited from Grandma???!?!?!? ;0)
SO.......7:05 PM. The girls are hanging around Dad outside...... I don't know if it pays to head downstairs when I'll have to wrangle them up in 25 minutes to get ready for bed.
Hmmm.....wonder if I'll lose ambition once they get settled in bed.
Ah, spirit week, I think ours is next week. Sounds like things are going pretty well at work for you. I know your schedule isn't perfect this year, but you seem to be hanging in there so far. You look pretty cute in those pig tails.
Amazing staff equals lucky kids! I love the Packer Twins! I just ordered myself a new jersey about a week ago...GO PACK GO!
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