This morning, while rummaging through my closet looking to see if anything would pass for a "Pirate" outfit (yeah....Homecoming week!), I started throwing my "running clothes" into my running bag to be prepared to run once school ended today. NAUGHTY MOM! I should KNOW better than to procrastinate and wait 'til the morning of a school day. This SHOULD have been done last night!!!!!

Oh well-----I only was planning a short run; I think I can manage with the "standard" over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. {{snort...haven't called it THAT in a long time!!! Besides...mine is more like an 'over-the-shoulder-pebble-holder. Tee-heeeee! {too much information there???}}}

BUT......I ran anyway. Long, curly hair a'flyin and pebbles a'bouncin! ;0) forward to just a few moments ago.....
I was getting frustrated that my watch (Garmin Forerunner 305) wasn't transferring information over to my new computer!!! The software appeared to be installed correctly on the new machine, and appeared to be running alright. But it kept crashing whenever transferring info over.
SO-----off a'googlin' I went!!!
And here's what I found!!! A free upgrade!!!

Yay!!!! :0) I'm off to play some more to see what "new stuff" can get my butt motivated again! OMGoodness! I hadn't run since LAST TUESDAY!!!!! That's just NOT acceptable!
{{Oh, BTW...never did find anything for Pirate Day :0( But tomorrow, I'm ALL OVER "Twin Day"; a coworker and I are going as crazy Packer fans, pigtails-n-all}}
You had me on the floor laughing at the "over the shoulder boulder holder!" I haven't heard or used that one in years either....but it did remind me of a phrase a friend uses to refer to putting on a bra. She has to "harness the team." Sorry, but we grew up around horses and cowboys! LOL
Thanks for the laugh today! Love your blog and sure wish we had the bounty of tomatoes you did this year. Ours sizzled out in the heat and drought!
when I was a kid in HS German Class a student asked the teacher how to say "Bra" in German. The teacher replied and the boy said "Oh, my dad said it was StopThem FromFlopping" Neadless to say the class cracked up.
LMAO! Reminded me of my aunt, we use to call hers bowling ball holders, and seriously, her bra could hold 2 bowling balls!!!! I kept laughing throughout the rest of your post too. Next time you don't have a hair tie use a pencil or a binderclip, if you can get it in there tight enough should still hold by the time your run is overwith.
What an entertaining post. I had a wonderful picture of you in my mind by the time I'd finished! What's Homecoming Week?
Gotta admire that determination. Sounds like the fates were conspiring.
Too funny! The things we do to NOT do something else. Congrats for not letting the "little things" stop you from getting your run in. P.S. You could have used a rubber band for your hair. I'm guessing the school would have had some lying around.
I want to see pictures of you as a "crazy Packer fan" GREAT IDEA!
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