Turned it on 40 minutes ago....
Set up the email program...
set up some other settings...
And starting tomorrow----will transfer over EVERYTHING that my coworker buddy Darin saved from my old MacBook hard drive. WHEW! I owe him BIG TIME!!!
Have others of you had this thought cross your mind? .....
"back in the day".... there came a time where it was considered 'normal' that each household had more than one Television....
"now"...... it almost seems that it's becoming a time where every household has more than one Computer/Laptop.
How many computers/laptops are in YOUR home?
We are only sitting at 2 laptops now; we had a third computer, but it was "old" and too much of a pain to update. However....I foresee within the next 2 years, we'll need to get a third computer/laptop. We also have one iTouch with wireless capabilities if we really get "hard up" to get online.
Two newer laptops, one for ME! and one for the business...and one 8 year old desktop that is in human years probably 90!
I never thought I'd have more than one computer at at time.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but there are seven computers/laptops in our house. Hubby has two for work - one travels with him while the other has all our business bits and bobs on it and one for "playing aka checking ebay" with. I have one. Both girls have one and so does our son. Do you think we may have embraced this technological age at little too much....lol. Well done on the new lap top. I hope you get many years of trouble free usage.
4 people here and 4 computers (3 laptops and 1 desktop)...no way around it :(
there are only 2 of us but we have 3 laptops and 1 desk top computers. I use 3 of them but not al at once. Love MacBook!!
Oh jealous.........I want to convert over to a MAC. Maybe next year though but it is funny you mention this, we just had this discussion over the weekend. Growing up we had one TV, no microwave, no VCR, no computer, nothin, and this was in the 80's. Now we have 6 TV's, 4 VCR's 4 DVD players, 2 desktops, 5 laptops, 3 I Pod touches and an I Pad too. TOOOOOO many electronics, no wonder my electric bill is thru the roof. Oh yeah, and we also have 4 refrigerators too!!!
Two laptops, one desktop, 2 ipods and a nook (which gets internet) so we are pretty well set! I can't imagine a day without my laptop anymore!
We have a laptop each, as do our sons and their partners, and when any of them visit we have Computer Club as we swap ideas and tips and programmes and help Christopher sort out his problems.
I just got a lap top in May. And we have a desk top (which I no longer use unless I am printing). Absolutely love my lap top plus I installed wireless in my house...
I got my new iMac desktop this week, that makes 2 mac desktops for us. I am still figuring out the Snow Leopard, so different from tiger. My husband won't even attempt the change, he'll keep using the old one. Have fun with it, my sons came and did all the file transfers, Mac to Mac was easy for them. I was too scared to do it alone! LOL
2 desktop computers and 1 laptop here for the 2 of us. I hadn't stopped to think about that until I read your blog today.
Linda in Southern Illinois
Pretty computer! So fun to have everything all shiny and new! Now the fun of "moving in" all your files and programs.
We only own one computer, though Kurt has one that belongs to work and we use the two iPads most of all. Two iPhones as well and a touch that does most things.
Just one computer though.
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