Tuesday, Paul went back to work, so I was determined to get some things done around the house.
Laundry; yeah, that's a constant given around here!
Gardening: 6:30 AM - 8:00 AM, then the day was getting warm already. Beans all weeded.
Bills; blah!
School's website work for a couple of hours
And then the rest of the day was spent mortaring the tiles onto the basement bathroom floor. I could run down right now to get a picture of it, but it really doesn't look much different than this picture from a few week's back; only now the tiles aren't movable!

Tuesday night after my softball game, we spent an hour in the garden until the mosquitoes start feasting.
Yesterday, Paul had the day off of work, so by 7:00 AM he had all the girls out of bed, eating breakfast, in order to spend LOADS of time in the garden. Our tiller is awaiting repair and is scheduled for servicing next Monday, so ALL of the weeding/cultivating is being done by hand. Next Monday is NOT coming fast enough! BUT, with Paul as the motivator, ALL AREAS but one little patch of potatoes in the lower garden have been weeded/cultivated. The sun was quite warm yesterday :0(, and my arms are breaking out in some form of rash. It reminds me so much of the Poison-Ivy rash from last summer (and even in the same locations on my arms), but I haven't been NEAR any poison ivy; nor are there any tell-tale breakouts anywhere else on my body. ???? My other hunch is some form of a heat rash ??? It's quite itchy and annoying :0(
Anyway, after lunch yesterday, I sat down to catch up on a few emails and blogs....and my eyes were quite heavy after a few moments. I've been back to 5:00 AM mornings this week.....and all that sun in the morning from the garden work....I was pooopered out. {{yeah, Paul is probably saying "WIMP" when he reads this, but.....psht! Whatever! 'I'm rubber and you're glue; whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you'}}.
I took a two hour nap while he went shopping for some fertilizer.

Rumor has it that Grandma and Grandpa are heading over this way sometime this morning to snatch up the girls and travel with them up to the Farm. I think it's a way for G&G to get us up to the farm this weekend, because we'd have to take the girls back home :0) But, we already told them that we were heading up.
My sewing machine hasn't been unpacked yet from the past week of travel----and it's already THURSDAY!
Since the garden is mostly in stable condition right now, I think I'll spend some of the day getting the sewing room back in order....and maybe even make a few stitches.
Happy Thursday!
Can't think of anyone who deserves a nap more than you! Tile looks great. I seem to remember you were doing exactly the same thing last summer around this time. Bummer about the rash -- maybe some calm quiet inside time will do the trick. Your machine is missing you....
You do sound busy - particularly with the garden. I hope you find some time to get back to sewing soon!
I've never had poison ivy before. Can it come back after it's been gone for a while?
We've just come back from a week away, and with the mixture of sun and rain we've been having the garden has exploded, weeds and all. I need to get out there, but I've got a table runner that must be finished by Thursday when we go away again for a weekend. I come out in a rash every year in my first few exposures to the sun, have done since I was a child when I was told that it was an allergy to the UV rays. Perhaps you're a victim of global warming!!
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