I knew I didn't want to run this morning for a reason.....once I headed outside to take the girls to summer school, we were met with one THICK wall of humidity! Like breathing through a wet towel....my goodness.
So, I spent an hour watering the garden instead of running this morning. Amazing how sticky and sweaty one becomes when just standing around, watering.....

I haven't shown any pics of the upper "main" garden...
I consider this one "my" garden more-so than the lower one. But I better not say that TOO loudly, because we don't have any sweet corn up here; that's all down below.

However, there are tomatoes....

and beans. Two of my favorite harvests.

The peppers are quite a bit behind, but I still think we'll be able to get a decent harvest from these plants come September.
And that's it for pictures---the batteries died on me before I was able to show how well the cucumbers are doing on the climbing trellis idea of Paul's.

On the way out to the garden, I snapped a quick pic of Paul cleaning out the boat. He's home for the day since work plans fell through. I haven't elaborated much on the boat purchase; we've only had it since 7/7/11. I played the disgruntled wife role while he was going through the steps of research and financing options for it; it wasn't a small purchase by any means. However, I signed the papers and now it's ours. We've already enjoyed it quite a bit (as the pictures have shown), and he's treating it kindly so far.
Okay.....9:30 AM....time to see what I can accomplish in the COOL downstairs quilting room before needing to pick up the girls by 11:30.
Congrats on the boat purchase! I know it sucks to be making another payment on anything (I am counting down til my car is paid off next Oct. or sooner if I can manage it!) but think of all the memories you are making with that boat. I envy you the lake time--but not the humidity!
I wondered when the boat showed up. It came at a perfect time though, didn't it? I'm sure your sewing machine and frame must have come up in the negotiations somewhere. Do you dock it at the lake or have to haul it back and forth? We kept ours in the garage when we had it and getting it back and forth got to be too big of a hassle, it was fun while it lasted though!
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