I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
Once 5:00 PM hits on a Friday night, my math brain shuts off for the weekend!!!

Two hours ago, I set out to help buddy
Andee. Task: draft a 9" Talkin' Turkey block. (
pic from Andee's post last night). Using the picture of her block, I set out with the basic drafting tools in-hand... pencil, paper and ruler.
Drafting a block in a different size starts by drawing a life-size version of the block, for me anyway. I don't always draw, BUT I certainly do when the overall fundamental block breakdown doesn't work mathematically nicely with the finished size of the block. Meaning: I see this block as an 8x8 unit breakdown; but the finished block needs to be 9". That's 9 ÷ 8 = 1 1/8" finished sections.
Therefore, it's a good thing for me that my daughters have some drawing tablets that are 9"x12"!
NOW, before I get going too far......If you enlarge the picture to see my hand-written cutting measurements..... STOP.
LOL. I had a brain-fart.....
and it didn't hit me what I had done until I went through allllllll of this......
And then, when I pressed the string red units......
**scratchin' head**
My string blocks match up nicely to the drafted drawing, but.....my 1/4" seam for the bordering unit was NEVER going to meet the point(s) of intersection between the 9-patch and the red strings....
I looked over all measurements, and I was simply ..... confused!
Why oh why is the 9-patch not workin'?!?!?! It's too small!
When I grabbed my ruler to measure the 9-block finished squares in my drawn version.....SURE SHOOTIN'! They measure 1 9/16". {{yeah, icky measurements to quilters accustomed to measurements in quarters and eighths}}
BUT, when I measured the finished 9-block squares, they were measuring about 1 5/16" ...
And then it hit me!!!!!!!!
Good golly! HOW long have I been quilting?!?!?
Once I had the finished measurements determined from the life-size block draft, I added ONE-QUARTER inch to the finished size of the squares instead of ONE-HALF inch!!!
**forehead slap**
The red string blocks are right on the money, but I'll need to rip-rip-rip in order to recreate the 9-patch.
So, Andee..... I don't have the test block to show you yet, but, I'm PRETTY POSITIVE on these measurements now ;)
String blocks
Cut TWO foundation squares to 5" and piece the strings (I use paper).
Once pieced, square up to 4 3/8".
Cut in half against the diagonal. Yield: 4 HST strings.
REMEMBER: This picture shows the WRONG SIZE 9-patch!
Each square of the 9-patch unit needs to be cut at 2 1/16". I suppose you could cut to 2 1/8" if you use a SLIGHTLY larger (thread-width?) seam allowance. DO NOT cut at 1 13/16" LOL; that'll end up being 1/4" too small!
Flying Geese
Cut 8 backgrounds rectangles: 1 5/8" x 2 3/4"
Cut 16 colored squares: 1 5/8" x 1 5/8"
Sew using the corner-to-corner flip-n-stitch method.
Other bordering pieces
You'll need 4 more background rectangles 1 5/8" x 2 3/4" for the border centers
and four (4) 1 5/8" x 1 5/8" background squares for the corners.
I'll try another one on Sunday; I'm booked solid tomorrow with Basketball tournaments: 7AM - 8 PM! Holy buckets!
Happy Saturday.
And remember the quilter's drafting rule: ADD A HALF!!!! {{NOT Add a quarter!}}