LOL, kinda didn't work on ANY of my goals today!
Upon waking, Candace was begging to play with the clay she got from Grandma, so I sent her off to tidy up her area of her room first. By golly! That was the FASTEST that room got picked up EVER!!!!! I needed to start the day by running to school quickly, so while the car was warming up, I got the clay supplies out and ready. The other two girls weren't far behind begging to play, so I designated the areas they needed to clean/tidy first and informed DH of the "rules."
I wasn't gone long, and by the time I arrived back....

Candace.....oh dear. Those HANDS!!! But she was having a BLAST!!!

Caitlyn waited patiently for the spinning wheel...

And Cassie made an AMAZING fish with her clay.
I threw together an early lunch so that I could start my day downstairs.
I HAD all intentions of working on the next RRCB step, but chose to first tidy up my sewing room after all those string blocks. So, my leader-ender section was reorganized.....

...and then that lead me to cutting some more units for my
Blue Ridge Beauty (BRB) leader-ender project.....

..which then lead me to see the status of my BRB units....and the status of many of my other projects on the lower shelves...
...and by this time, my former babysitter, home for winter break from college, showed up to spend some time with the girls. I didn't feel right locking myself up down in my sewing room, so I spent much of the afternoon organizing and cleaning up the living room; putting away Christmas gifts and "stuff"....
By the time she left, it was dinner time; reheated Country Style Ribs from the other night and some fried potatoes.
THEN...back downstairs....

I started by unpacking the printer I inherited from my parents (they bought a new one for Christmas). After about 20 minutes, I was too frustrated to try to figure it out anymore; I need to find the driver; thought I found the right one online, and after 10 minutes of waiting for the download, my installation stalled midway TWICE, needing to reboot each! TOMORROW!
...and see that stack of strings next to the printer??? Yeah....that was my next detour. After tidying up the strings from the 60 RRCB neutral units, I observed so many reds/blues/whites, so I pulled them. Why not make some MORE string blocks????

A couple of hours later, I have 16 blocks done; de-papered and trimmed to 7".

And let me tell you!!!!!! One of the ladies at the Quiltville Chat suggeseted using bookorder forms for the 8.5" string blocks since most phone books are smaller now-a-days. They worked GREAT! I had 8 RWB blocks partially started in my string bucket (using phone book paper). After completing those, I cut up 8 more sheets (using the bookorder forms). There wasn't any difference between sewing on either type of paper,!!! SO MUCH EASIER with the bookorder forms. The paper is slightly stiffer than phonebook paper and tore off the seams much easier! The phonebook paper kept tearing when I tried to peel it from the seams.....a bit too frustrating!
Spreading this information to hopefully aide you in your next paper-piecing/foundation units!
Wow! those RWB strings look fabulous! Girl, I am not sure how you accomplish so much! You must be the energizer bunny!
Love your patriotic strings! We should all get quilted ADDHD from time to time if those are the results. Still making great progress on RRCB though. Nice work on the clay fish, a young artist in the making.
Such artists!! And they look like they are having a grand time.
I never thought to use the leftover book order forms for strings.... now.. do you cut them down first? I've never done this.
Good to know..I already have my phone book paper cut out (had to use an old Eau Claire phone book the only one I had big enough!) but ofc I am not to that step yet!
You are going crazy with the string piecing over there! Love the R, W & B blocks!
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