Back at 'er this morning; still working on RRCB Step #3 strings. And finally, just half hour ago, I finished up sewing and pressing all the blocks, tossing them on the floor as they were getting finished.

Earlier this afternoon, I took a break because my mind was shutting down on the strings. I pulled out my box of bonus triangles and dug through them to see what I might be able to use for Step #5. And ya know what.....I'm gonna use 'em all! Goin' total scrappy!!! Otherwise, they'd continue sitting, collecting dust. I haven't counted how many I have at all...just looked. AND, next to the box are the 24 Step #3 string blocks I pieced yesterday and de-papered last night while watching Monday Night Football.

I came upstairs just a bit ago to see what the girls were doing and to start de-papering the 36 string blocks I pieced today. The girls were watching Toy Story 3. I haven't seen it yet, but found myself watching the last 30 minutes with them....GOSH! I didn't even see the whole thing and I was crying away at the end! What a sap I am! Are you too? Seriously! The littlest thing can get me teared up! ie: singing Silent Night at the Christmas Eve service last Friday. Now I think I understand why Pretty Woman (Julia Roberts) cries while at the opera!
Anyway---girls are begging to play games. I taught Cassie how to play Yahtzee last night. Caitlyn and Candace got a Yahtzee JR. for Christmas (princess version) so we all played that as well. Not sure what they have in mind right now, but I'm game ;0)
I love your string blocks! Can't wait to see the quilt. I am not daring to start this mystery because I still have double delight to finish!
The strings are lovely!! I need to cut some of my 'what's leftover from the FQs" into some strings.
Toy STory 3 made me cry as well... "Get the Monkey!"
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