Candace's Stars (Granny's Stars) is nearly completed. All that remains is the binding, so one good hour should see it completed. Maybe tomorrow night???

However, I won't have much time tomorrow to do any quilting because I'll be at school, sitting on an interview panel for a new JH SS position....
I was finished with all the border attachments and quilting by 11:00 this morning; I should have just bit the bullet to put the binding on, but I sat back and admired a little too long; then lunch hit.
Afterward, I just twiddled and tidied the sewing room (VERY LITTLE). I pulled out some recent purchases over the past month and ironed/folded.

While doing so, I was inspired by some of the newly purchased "shirtings," the darkest blue in the pic and the red on bottom left; I dug through my fabric to see if there were other "civil-war-looking" fabrics and came up with what is pictured. Now....those will sit together (probably for the next year or so) while awaiting the perfect pattern.
Trust me! There is something to waiting for that perfect pattern. I had been collecting those FQ's and Fat-eighths of 30's fabrics for over a year (the ones that went into Candace's Stars).
And speaking of 30's fabrics...
tonight, after taking some time to do a little more quilting on the DWR (**SIGH**--that quilt is starting to be the new monkey-on-my-back!)
Anyway, I got back into "tidy-mode," and ironed/folded some more of my fabrics that have been sitting for some time! Then, I came upon my "scraps" of the 30's fabrics. Golly, that pattern REALLY over-estimated the amount needed. It called for 21 FQ's----HA! I DID (amazingly) have 21 different fabrics, but once I started unfolding them, I found out MANY of them were only fat-eighths! No biggy---I had PLENTY, with quite a bit left over.

It was nearing 10:00 (PM), and suddenly I was INSPIRED! I took exactly ONE minute to walk across the room to the exact spot that
THIS PATTERN had been lain out, patiently waiting if (and when) I would ever make it.
Clearly, I didn't have any Charm Pack, but with about 30 minutes of cutting, I had all 24 - 5" squares needed, and 64 - 2.5" squares. AND---what's more...I was given a "sign!" I had used all of my white muslin up on the DWR and Candace's Stars, so I had to hunt around to see what I had in white. I pulled a crumpled pile of white (NO LIE! It was very crumpled from washing/drying MONTHS ago!) from the floor and ironed/folded it. I had JUST enough for what was called for, with only a little string left. Yup---it was meant to be!
Anyway---after another 10 minutes, I cut all the 5" squares in half, but really didn't want to sit and sew. My movie had ended just after 10:00, and it had been so quiet that I didn't want to disrupt the silence with my machine. All bodies had gone to bed at 10:15, so... it was so peaceful.
Instead, I prepped all 64 of the Prairie Points needed. Golly! Those things are TINY! Can you kinda guesstimate from the pic? It started as a 2.5" square. This will be the first quilt I've made using Prairie Points.
This quilt should be easy enough. It sure would be nice to have another finish by the end of June (umm...yeah...that'd be tomorrow). But, I promised to take Cassie for a short run tomorrow night; she'll be running the kid's 1/2 mile at my 5K race next weekend over at my sister's city.
So, 4 minutes to midnight---I suppose I better TRY to get to bed. BUT, #3 (Candace) had a late nap (5:00 - 8:30!!!) and is WIDE awake watching Wow-Wow-Wubzy and eating a bagel. Oh dear.....I'll give her 15 more minutes, THEN I'll tie her down and tape her eye-lids shut if I need to.
Happy Midnight!