Tuesday, February 18, 2014

LOVING my new crochet project! [Crochet]

Inspiration hits at the craziest times!  And in full-force!
I was out perusing Ravelry Sunday morning, and found this pattern: Drop in the Pond afghan [ravelry link].  There are currently 331 'projects' listed under the link.  I bet I spent a good hour looking through ALL of them, and looking through them AGAIN!  LOL.  There simply was something about this pattern that truly was scah-reaming at me to "make me, make me, make me."

I LOVE this pattern.

And....the moment I finished up the Baby Sage afghan yesterday, I started burning through the yarn for this new project (THANKS for buying the yarn during your Sunday shopping spree, Mom!).  If you have made a Granny Square before, the pattern is SUPER quick and easy to pick up.  

I will be making this a few rounds larger than the printed pattern.  Red Heart Supersaver yarn is being used.  Although I wasn't originally a fan of the Supersaver, it's starting to grow on me.  Recall Candace's afghan (the first afghan where I used Supersaver).  It is thoroughly used and loved and holding up so nicely -- plus, I like the heaviness that the Supersaver provides.  Once it had been washed, it softened up sufficiently.  So yah.... I don't mind the Supersaver anymore.  Besides... the cost is extremely friendly!

Speaking of weather...
((Okay, so we WEREN'T speaking of weather, but it DOES seem to be a topic of conversation with people lately....))
We're expected to be hit with yet ANOTHER snowstorm this Thursday.  Ask me if I'm really surprised anymore at the amount of snow that is coming down this winter!  LOL.
Despite the 5 snow/cold days we've had so far, we HAVE NOT needed to alter our school calendar.  (yet).  If we have one more snow day (Thursday???  Friday??? If we get the amount in the forecast, it's a possibility), then days will start getting tacked on to the end of the school year.

What'cha gonna do?

Truthfully, for whatever crazy reason.... I haven't been hit the Winter Depression (yet).
Sure, sure... we've had record LOW (CRAZY LOW!) temperatures this winter
Sure, sure... we've had record snow levels this year  (the mounds on the side of the roads are getting crazy tall!)
But.... I dunno.  I'm still "okay" with Winter right now.

ask me again at the start of April though....

Happy Tuesday


Deb A said...

I'm guessing you love the shapes that emerge in this one. Really neat. Once I ever finish that baby afghan, I think I'm going to try a granny square - where it just keeps going around and around until it is done. I found a pattern somewhere and I think I put it in my bookmark folder.
A snow day... I'll bet if it happens you'll make quick work of this one.

soscrappy said...

Enjoy your inspiration! Looks like a fun pattern. Hope the schedule works out without extra days at the end. Always a bummer to have to finish late.