For reasons not completely known, I simply could NOT sleep last night!!! It took forever for me to finally fall asleep (1:00 maybe????), and then 3:30, I gave up and just got up!!!! I had a Diet Mt. Dew with dinner; that may have caused it since I haven't had a Dew in a while. ??? I also took an allergy pill last night around 8:00, which isn't the norm for me. My ragweed allergy started acting up on Friday....**sigh**....due to the lateness of EVERYTHING this year, when my allergies didn't show up at the normal time (usually 2nd week in August), I ALMOST had myself convinced that I was magically CURED!!!!! :\ Oh well.
Paul was outside for most of the day mowing weeds; I think that stirred up the pollen something fierce (AND we had the windows open enjoying the GORGEOUS!!!! August Wisconsin weather!!!!). So, I was getting pretty miserable as the day went on.
My actual theory for my sleeplessness is that it's a combination of the meds AND the Dew. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Regardless....I was UP at 3:30 AM. Watching news. Reading emails and blogs. By 5:00, I was ready to start something, but I didn't dare start up the machine for fear of waking Paul. And I didn't feel like loading a quilt to the frame. So....I surfed some more until Paul woke at 6:00.

At 6:00AM, I was piecing away and finished up the sixteen blue star blocks for
Smith Mountain Morning. I am absolutely in love with all these fabrics from the swap; and blue-n-brown are SPECTACULAR together!!! And I think it goes without is STILL a must despite having been awake for nearly 3 hours!

Rolling Star blocks have been on the design wall for toooooo long. Let's face it; they ain't gonna see any progress any time soon; not with
Smith Mountain Morning and
Jamestown Landing in the works!!! Therefore.....they were neatly stacked and set aside on the shelf for NEXT year's UFO challenge!! LOL.....oh goodness! I haven't done too well on the UFO challenge this year :]

Next came trimming up the hourglass units.

And then an hour of cutting the log units for the final 28 blocks. I can't wait to tackle these nicely organized piles, but I need to be patient a little while longer. Hopefully SOON, all these blocks and units will take over the design wall!
Today has a POSSIBLE full schedule even though it's still really loose. Candace and Caitlyn need to shower with me this morning. I can't even THINK of when the last time was they had a REAL bath/shower and not just lake water or "showers" from the sprinkler. Ick, right????
Then we need to do some errands; (pick up Cassie's glasses, order a pair for myself; small grocery supply list).
We have a lunch date scheduled with my former volleyball captain and her parents. What a sweet lil' gal!! She's receiving
Transitions as her
belated graduation gift, and as a "good luck in college" gift.
Finally, I hope to tackle all the school shopping today! THREE girls this year and not just two. Hmmm.....can I handle all of them at the same time? School supplies are one thing.....but clothes?!?! Oh, I don't know if I have the strength!!! Specially after a night of little sleep.
Happy Monday!
Oh how I love the blue and brown combo! Sometimes you have to put the blocks away and let them age for a while. That way we will always have a UFO to go to. :) That's my story!
I love both of your star projects! What great colors!
Your coffee looks just like mine..lots of creamer (I put in sugar and truvia too) and it makes my day go so much better! SMM is looking great, I want to get on that, soon, soon! Meanwhile really enjoying yours coming together..good luck with school shopping for three. I have been there done that!
I love how this one is turning out! I'm a little tired of the pink and brown combination but have a quilt on the list that uses pink and blue... And one that uses blue and brown.
I'd intended to do more biking and walking this summer but between hurting my toe and the travel haven't done much more than my usual walks around town and bike rides with Keith. I'm impressed with your running!
Your blue and brown blocks are fabulous. I think there is just something in the air...I could not sleep last night either. But I was not near as productive as you.
Love the blue/brown stars. Good luck shopping with the three girls. Hope your sleep is better!! When I don't sleep not much gets done and allergy med can keep me up :(
I love the brown/blue stars.... I'm thinking that might be on the list.
Hope you get some sleep tonight!
Loving how your Smith Mountain Morning is coming Amy! Keep it up!
I was excited to see your Smith Mountain Morning stars. I love the blue and brown together too. I've made a bunch of blue quilts so I'm in to taking something else out of my stash. Next fabrics to use are black and whites. What do you think of B/W and W/B stars? It sure will be different. I've got Jamestown Landing in work now in pink and neutrals. Patches and Pinwheels is next using up all the bonus HSTs I can find so it will be all scrappy! Have fun with Bonnie Hunter designs as I know you will. Sandi
The blue and brown stars are beautiful! I love the pinwheel centers. That is going to be one fabulous quilt! Best of luck on the back to school shopping!
If you feel like you just can't get back to those rolling starts, send them on to me. I LOVE them. Oh, and send the pattern, too. ;)
Love your stars!wondered about the running[had to check where you live] because in Phx. it's still over 110! All my running is done at the air conditioned gym.........
Love your Rolling Stars quilt blocks! Is that pattern available somewhere?
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