From the 2-3 hours of sleep last night?
From the wee "drugged state" I feel from my allergy meds?
From the 3 hour back-to-school shopping spree?
From the chicken strips for lunch?
From the amazing lunch company?

From Cassie's and my 2 mile run LAST night??? Which, BTW, Cassie surprised me on! The first mile, I had us pacing right around 10:30, which made me a bit nervous since her last run with me was at ~12:00's. Then, at the mile-turn-around, after a short walk break, we started back up. And she kept pulling away from me! I tried to keep her reigned in, but she insisted she was "fine." SO......onward we continued at 9:00/mile pace! Sadly, about half mile down the road, we found ourselves walking MORE than what we wanted. BUT....... for good reason! Our neighbor just invited a new bull into his meadow. Normally, I don't pay too much mind to the cows in the pasture, but....I found it odd that his electric fence was OBVIOUSLY on! Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick.... There was no MISSING the fence noise. So....I peered around. And sure enough.........oooooo......MEAN looking fella! I swear his neck was bigger than his body's total girth. HUGE HUGE HUGE and a bit ..... unsettling. I tried getting us back to running after a short hill climb, but his head popped up right away. Nuh-uh! I was freaked! So, we walked until we cleared the meadow. Needless to say, I probably won't be running the 2-mile route again anytime soon. "You just take care of those ladies, Buddy. Earn your keep and I'll keep my distance."
tonight's numbers:
3.25 miles (10:01/mile for a total of 32:33). HR: 174 avg
Good idea with the bull, because I am sure if he was charging, that electric fence probably wouldn't have done much at full speed, and with the adrenaline that would have been running through him.
I really enjoy your posts about running. I know I can't run yet -too many years and pounds on me(I need to lose 20 of those suckers!) but I have been walking and who knows...maybe one day soon I might be able to run too! Thanks for all the inspiration!
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