To start..... our tomatoes are in DANGER!!!! Either Leaf Blight or Septoria Leaf Spot is spreading like wild-fire through the tomatoes. Over half are infected with it and about 1/4 are completely bare now that all the bad, naughty BAD BAD leaves have been removed. Four hour ordeal there.....back-breaking work :\ {{yeah, yeah...roll your eyes Paul}}

alright......I need to move onto something positive......
since I had the camera, I figured I'd show you the SUCCESS with Paul's cucumber trellis idea.

Okay....so then....let's get back to the headline of this post.....
Not only did the tomato-deleafing already put me in a not-so-pleasant mood... after lunch I decided to take a small break to check emails, etc.
Cassie: {[seeing me with the computer, making a face as to why I can't turn it on}} Oh, ummm...Mom. [[gulp]]. Somehow your coffee mug spilled.
Me: not a sound
Cassie: I don't really know how it happened.....I wiped it up right away.....
Me: [[leaving table to wipe dishes}}
{{10 minutes later}}
Me: Cassie, where exactly did it spill?
So, she went on to give me the run-down.....I REALLY was doing my best not to blow up.....I know it could have happened to anyone.....{{well, maybe not Paul because he thinks he perfect far too often}}
I grabbed the other laptop and started googling away......"spilled coffee on MacBook"..... read up on a lot. But, in the end....

Me: Hiya Darin.
Darin: Hi Amy. How are you?
Me: Darin, I'm calling you; it's never good when I call you.
Darin: uh-oh
I went on to explain to HIM everything that happened. The power-cord lights up; the battery actually shows a full-charge, I simply get no response when I try to turn it on. He agreed with me that it's most likely the logic board (the board that runs the keyboard) and NOT the hard-drive. AND.....the most IMPORTANT news..... he's fairly certain that he'll be able to recover all of my hard drive.
I have one more idea to try, but it'll mean getting a special keyboard from school that has a power button on it. You may recall last year when we spilled Coke on THIS laptop (the family one I'm using right now); we lost the top row of letters on the keyboard; no action what-so-ever from them (logic board was partially damaged). Repairing/replacing a logic board is INSANELY expensive! It's the classic..."you might as well buy a NEW one for that price!" Anyway.....we simply attach a USB keyboard to it and it works beautifully. ... Well, not BEAUTIFULLY; it's a bit of a pain that you can't actually USE the laptop as a laptop.... but.... it still gets the job done. Anyway.... I'd like to try this idea out with our newly damaged one. **crossing fingers and toes for the 2nd time today**
{{Do you think we've learned to establish a new rule: NO LIQUIDS NEAR THE COMPUTERS!!!!" ????}}
Okay.....so, I'm going on strike 2 right now. You KNOW bad things always come in THREE's! What else could possibly go wrong? It's 5:00... lots of evening left yet. I don't care to go to bed yet....no...no....that would be giving up. It's my day off of running, but I hope to do some strength training..... :/ maybe I shouldn't? I'll probably drop a weight on my foot and will be joining Caitlyn in the Gimp-races! Hmmm.....Cassie should get some miles on her feet after having a day off; the 3-mile course is most likely in my future tonight. ... DEFINITELY no quilting! I wouldn't want THAT machine to break on me.....
To close.....and for the needed laugh.....
Paul is doing his best to cheer me up. I want to believe he knows how hard I'm working on "lightening up" with the whole laptop incident....otherwise he probably wouldn't DARE talk to me cuz he'd just receive "the glare."
Butt.....I mean......
No wait....no.....I DO mean BUTT!
He JUST walked up to me..... and asked...."What does this say?" To which I look over and see him bearing his butt cheek with the words "Kiss Here" on it
**giggling after the fact....**
No fret! THAT picture won't be shown :0)
Your day has to get better now - you have had your three things. Sorry I can't offer any words of advice on the tomatoes but spraying them does sound like the way to go. I'm green with envy at your cucumbers. Mine never do that well and I'm crossing my fingers for this year - if the seeds ever come up...sigh. As for the lap top - ouch!! Hope the day is better by the time you read this comment.
I understand completely, my week has been like that since Sunday. So I say, Ok world, 3 days of crap down, give me a good day tomorrow, PLEASE!!!!!!
Try copper spray on the tomatoes. We had a lot of tomato damage around these parts last year, and that was the one thing that seemed to help. Just so that you know, though, it's got to be a repeated application, maybe once a week or so for the rest of the season.
I know the guy answer to what to do with the rest of the day when it's all gone down the drain anyway, but I think the girl answer is finding a chick flick and some chocolate -- alone. The only good thing about bad days is that great ones usually follow. Tomorrow promises to be stellar!
Sorry your day was so crappy. I hope it ended well! If your tomatoes make it, it sure looks like you'll have a bumper crop.
Sorry about your laptop....and your tomatoes. Without the leaves they'll probably all sunburn & won't be good for anything. Same thing is happening to mine. Hopefully I'll get a few quarts.
Reminds me of how terrified I was to phone my boss to tell him I'd emptied a cup of tea into a very expensive keyboard.
Hope the apraying worked and you manage to save the tomatoes, and the laptop.
Crossing my fingers your laptop recovers...technology! I hope your day got better and tomorrow is a GOOD day!
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