Today, we upped that by an inch.

As for the computer; ;| Still deader-n-a-doornail! :0( day is much better than yesterday (so far).

To close....
When Candace saw Cassie's hair, she whined and pleaded for me to cut HER hair too.
**sucking in breath**
Oooooo........that one has to grow on ME for a little bit before I allow it to happen. I admit----I am in LOVE with her hair. Would it be terrible for me to tell her a lil' white lie? .... that her hair needs to be just a little bit longer in order to donate it to Locks of Love??? .... JUST to buy me some more time to grieve the passing of her hair before we really cut it???.....
Those blocks are looking FAB U LOUS. I can already imagine the in the final quilt and it is going to be stunning. Knowing you it will be sooner rather than later. Great work on the hair -- again.
I think that's just awesome that she wanted to donate her hair like that! I remember when I was about 9, my sister got her hair cut short, so I was determined I wanted mine done as well. I hated it and it took forever to grow out. Maybe Candace should wait a little bit to be sure she really wants it cut.
Loving the SMM blocks! That is going to be stunning! And if I ever get my butt in gear I will have one just like it for Randy! So amazing that Cassie donated to locks of love--again. Her hair must grow fast. Moms can tell white lies if they need to!
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