Hey....any of you have one of these when you were younger? I did, but mine was wood and in the shape of a mushroom. Cassie was given this a couple of years back from my mother per my request. Over the past year it was moved around here-n-there, and today, Candace had it tied to a piece of string and was dangling it from the stairway trying to drop it on my head. {{goofball, I know!}}. BUT, it got me a bit inspired. I came across the needle/hook (?) last week while tidying, so I went to grab it and the yarn I purchased Cassie last month for a school project, and sat for a few hours of this mindless ..... ummm.....crocheting? knitting? yarning? What IS this called and what are these doo-dads called?

When I took a break to make myself a drink, Cassie took over and she's still pluggin' away while we all sit and watch
Happy Feet.

And the vote winner both with the Student Body AND the Online votes:
G. G. G.
Oh this is SO exciting! It was my pick as well, and this will be the first year that a MALE's design was chosen!!! :0) I am so excited for this student, because he is one of the quiet ones but makes some poor choices so is often in trouble. I can't wait to share the news with him on Monday!!!
AND, I can't wait to start figuring out the yardage. This quilt will be so fun to make.
Just for record:
Quilt Design: student body votes (online votes)
A: 3 (1)
B: 1
C: 6 (2)
D: 5 (3)
E: 2 (1)
F: 10 (6)
G: 13 (8)
Thanks for your input!!! Heck, maybe I'll offer this as a Quilt-Along???? Why not, right???? I
need WANT to make it anyway, so if anyone is interested.......stay tuned!!!! Early February???
I would call this activity "corking". I'll be interested to see what others call it.
I'd love to do a quilt-a-long with this cool design!
I had a knitting knobby (or was it knellie).... I remember using a rainbow varigated yarn in it..... where did that brain cell come from!
And poo... I missed the chance to vote but I do love the winner. it is always good when a student who doesn't usually get recognized for a good thing gets a chance to shine.
What the heck is that thing? I guess I wasn't a crafty kid (hence my blog name-- "knot sew crafty"). Please tell Mr. "G" that his quilt would be stunning. I would love to have one like it-- I'm up for a Quilt-Along (as long as you give me really good directions- I haven't finished my first quilt yet)
We used to call it french knitting and mine was made from an old wooden cotton reel. Dad put four pins in the top and and I think I used a crochet hook. I've still got a coaster I made packed away somewhere. I did buy one for the boys when they were little, but I can't remember the proper name for them
In Englnad we called it French knitting, and like Miss376 we used empty cotton reels with 4 small nails in the top. I still have 2 "in progress" probably 30 years since my children worked on them!
Congrats to your student, he may have a future in design. I would love a quilt-a-long.
It's an ICord maker. ICord can be made by knitting but it is much much quicker with this little machine.
Yes, over here it is a knitting knobby and can still be purchased at Joann's or Hobby Lobby. They have the older version but there is an updated one too and you crank it too. Like Jackie said, you can make Icord with it very quickly but you can do all kinds of things with this besides that. Roll it togther for hot pads, make flower designs with it. I don't know but I'll try to think up some more. Mindless and easy, that's the point. Have fun with it and yes, a quilt along would be great. I'm glad the student that needed it won! I loved to hear that.
That's a great looking design!! I might be up for a quilt along.... Or maybe not. lol Too much going on all the time. UGH!
I had a yellow one of those when I was a kid. I don't remember what they are called either but I remember making this long tubey thing and wondering what to do with it! I think I used it as a bookmark for my Bobbsey Twins books!
I have some larger wooden ones my grandma had a relative make for her. She made scarves and hats with them. One of hers still has a started project on it. I don't have the heart to do anything with it, just let it the way it is.
I think they have them at Joann's only plastic.
Design G might be a really fun quilt-a-long. But I don't think I'm as fast as you are!
Your quilt is going to be stunning. I can feel my interest perking up for a quilt-a-long, but I still haven't done most of last year's blocks yet. I don't think slow and steady wins 'all' the races, lol. Maybe the steady part is the catch.
Don't have a clue what your thingamabob is.
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