Monday, July 23, 2012

A summer schedule

{{Candace chasing Ms. Emma, playing duck-duck-goose at the end of swim lessons}}
So this is and will be my view from 2:00 - 4:15 everyday for the next two weeks.
The day's tasks were getting met;  
beans picked with Caitlyn and Candace's help this morning;
Cassie was dropped off and picked up from Volleyball camp;
And Caitlyn and Cassie were taken almost directly to swim lessons at 11:00.

This is the first summer that the girls are able to take swimming lessons without any other task planned!  Having a lake in town, swimming lessons are given by the dock right in the lake.  I grew up with a large outdoor swimming pool in town, as well as a large swimming pool at the local high school;  my lessons were in the indoor HS pool.

Not having had them in lessons yet, it was a bit of a crap-shoot to know exactly which level to sign everyone up for.  Candace was pretty easy:  Level 1.  She hasn't even held her breath under water yet (until today, this is).  But the other two....??  
Caitlyn in level 2 seemed to make sense;  she can swim a short distance under water and has really taken to the water this summer with her "Beach Fun" summer school class.  But she can't float on her own.
Cassie---???  Jeez!  I've been working with her from time to time while at the beach, but she still hasn't mastered the back float, so....Level 2 seemed to make sense.
I know the instructors and shared my questions and wonderings with them, so they said they would evaluate Cassie during today's first lesson.  Results:  She graduated to level 3.  So then, this spurred a reshuffling of classes for the girls.  But it's actually a much nicer schedule now :D
Caitlyn:  Switched to the 2:00 Level 2 class
Cassie:  Level 3 at 2:45
Candace:  Level 1 at 3:30
Back - to - Back - to - Back
And for me---it means either LOTS of sun time;  LOTS of swim time;  LOTS of reading time;  LOTS of hand sewing work time..... :)

{{Caitlyn motoring around with Levi.}}
What a beautiful 1st day of swimming lessons.


Andee said...

Awesome! I hope they are all swimming like fish soon!

scraphappy said...

Swimming is such a good skill for them to have. I am sure they will enjoy the lessons. Sounds like you are all set to enjoy them as well. Plenty of time to get that handwork prepped and ready to go.

Nancy said...

I remember my first swimming lessons... Balston Lake in upstate New York... it was FREEZING!!!! Mom said my lips were blue when I got out of the water.

Looks like they are having fun. Start working on hexies while you wait... they are addicting. :o)