Thursday, July 25, 2024

Out with the old - bathroom flooring

I'm starting the with AFTER -- ooohhhh.... ahhhhhh.....

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Slow stitch Sunday - Temperature Cross stitch

It's been a quiet week on the blog, but full of putzing activity around the ranch...
But for today, a little slow-stitch Sunday is happening on the 1998 Calendar Temperature Cross stitch project.

Earlier this week...
T'was a couple of days of road trippin'.
There were my snacky foods of choice  --  do y'all have a favorite "must have" snack for roadtrips?

Visited a new plant shop / greenhouse in Eau Claire, Wisconsin - 'Down to Earth.'
I was BLOWN AWAY!  BUT remained disciplined, leaving with only a little baby Mican Philodendron.

And the blueberries are in full swing around NW Wisconsin, having picked a few small batches already, eating many fresh berries with my morning yogurt and was able to freeze one 2lb batch so far for wine at a later date.

... and the garden continues to be in "grow-stage" without needing much attention.

Happy Sunday

Linking up with:
Kathy's Quilts: Slow Sunday stitching


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

More slow stitching - on a Tuesday

Sunday's organization of the DMC bins was SO enjoyable!  There's definitely something to be said about having everything one needs in a neat and tidy location, ready for whenever and whatever inspiration may strike.

Snort lol... and after perusing Pinterest and Etsy, inspiration definitely was hitting home, specially after seeing this photo in a FB cross stitching group of mine...

I never had THOUGHT about using cross stitch for a temperature project!  I have a few sites and projects bookmarked for crochet with this concept in mind, but... cross-stitch!?!  Brilliant idea.

Today, I was lazy.  I was productive with cross-stitch, but lazy everywhere else around here (although I DID make a point of emptying the dishwasher while warming up some left over Creamy Penne pasta).

Much of the morning was spent scribbling in a graph notebook, testing out sizing and puzzle piece shapes...

And then the super fun part of sifting through the organized bins for colors, and deciding at the same time what temperature ranges to use...

and then from mid-morning to late afternoon, the 18-count Rustico "natural" aida was prepped along with establishing the color key.  I would describe the color palette I was after as a muted rustic, rich colorway.

And this evening will be much of the same!  I haven't decided on a year, though!  2024?  Or... having recently celebrated our 26th Anniversary (7/11), maybe I'll look back to 1998 as a sentimental project...

Taking a day off from the garden and other harvests is not detrimental at all right now.
Sunday evening was spent pruning and tying up all of the tomato plants (~60)...

And Paul erected a simple make-shift A-frame style support for us to drape our repurposed softball cage netting over in order to protect our blueberry harvest from the birds.  A quick wander around the garden and yard tonight confirms that, although a bird here and there is still smart enough to make its way into (under) the netting, most birds have been deterred.  Berry picking is certainly on the agenda tomorrow morning.

And other than that, the garden is simply doing its thing right now.  No harvests needing my attention yet, so... I guess I'll keep rocking in my glider with my feet up and stitching away, allllmost guilt free.  I just feel like I should be doing something other than simply crafting at my leisure.

Last night marked the end to my coaching career. 
Seventeen years total, nine of which were as head coach.  I love it, and nights like last night really have me jokingly saying that I plan to take back my letter of resignation.  LOL.  I absolutely LOVE competitive ball and athletes who have the ability to overcome.  A double victory last night from this squad has me finishing a winner.  I'll be their biggest fan come fall ball season.

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Slow Stitching Sunday - DMC organization and some Sky, Sand & Sea crochet

DMC floss organization day!
The boxes of DMC floss that daughter #1 dug out of her storage had been resting patiently in my cross-stitch bag all week with today in mind.  These boxes were actually given to me by MY mother when she was right around my age now; I reached out to her to get a true gauge of how old these are...

Her reply:

In all guesstimated accuracies, I have to believe she had these in her 20s... and she's now 74, so... "vintage" sounds pretty accurate.  Then, a few years ago, knowing I hadn't touched these in quite some time, they were handed over to Cass since she was showing interest.  She started a project, barely visible in lower right of the first photo, and she says she has since misplaced the pattern.  
I have a couple of projects partially complete that are soaking the sink in an attempt to remove some unknown stain...
Naturally I'm hopeful for a solution since I'm motivated to complete it AND quite possibly gift it in about 8 months.  My assistant coach is pregnant.... with TWINS!  No knowledge on the genders yet, but... prepping multiple in both pink and blue sound like a great lil' project for the next few months.

Cass musta picked up this lil' gadget... 

I had never seen one before.  No paperwork.  But I figured it was probably a DMC floss winder, and sure enough... Google is your friend (and youtube!) --> YouTube tutorial found.
So... some an eclectic mix of mindless youtube videos is underway as I settle in to organize the containers.

And directly following, some Sky, Sand & Sea crocheting is my plan.

... along with a full afternoon of laundry.   LOL
Child #3, Candace -- gotta love her, right!??!
She's pulling a double-shift today at one of her jobs, and after working full-time days all week long, I'm perfectly fine tackling these piles... um.... this PILE.

Happy Sunday.

Linking up with:
Kathy's Quilt - Slow Stitching Sunday

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Currants & wine bottling day

As I said I would, although actually surprised myself I did so...
the currant picking began yesterday morning.

Our original two bushes of red currants were planted in 2013 and have now evolved into four full bushes after transplanting some new growth over the years.  Actually, a 5th additional baby plant has also been planted a handful of years ago, but that one hasn't quite hit any solid development yet.
Last summer, I was lazy!  
Yup.  Let 'em go completely.  
The birds were the only ones to enjoy the berries.  
They get to be DAUNTING!
THIS year, with wine in mind and a lil' self-talk, they are being picked.  Completely, is the goal.
This morning was overcast, but quite beautiful all the same for picking... until the storm hit.
Between yesterday and today, enough currants have been picked for 2 gallons of wine (3.5lb/gal); the end-goal is for six, and hubby is onboard with interest, so maybe between tonight and tomorrow, the rest of the bushes will be completed.
The day evolved into another one of those "as-things-happen" days.  Meaning, I had zero plans nor intentions to have today become a bottling day when I woke this morning.  But, after dashing inside just as the storm hit, after washing up the dishes on the counter, after processing the 3 lbs of currants picked, ... the "wine counter" held my attention.  
Yup.  Let's bottle it up today!

I remember really tackling the counter of carboys by bottling it all up last summer (there was probably on the upwards of 30 gals in a variety of flavors on the counter) with the mindset of backing-off from wine-making.  We have quite the loot in the root cellar, so much that I can't imagine ever drinking it all.  Bottles have been given to friends and family... but still, I distinctly remember I had full plans to back away from making wine.
So, surprise-surprise when I uncovered these babies to see that three of them were new starts last summer.
What?!  Goodness!  I truly don't remember starting anything.  ((Hence, another reason why I'm glad to get this blog going again.))  Therefore, only the Rhubarb-Strawberry was bottled, leaving the Plum, Cherry, and Honeyberry for some more settling after racking into clean carboys.

Wanting to stage a catchy, corny photo, but not having fresh strawberries available, and the rhubarb patch is in its midsummer "I-could-look-better" stage... 

We are left with...

Option A corny table view of the frugally collected mismatched set of bottles with 26-year-old wedding photos peering as a backdrop

Option B corny deck-rail resting prop with girls’ playset and cloudy post-rain backdrop.

Rhubarb-Strawberry (2:1) finished
Started: 6/16/23
Bottled: 7/13/24

Next up:  Crab-Apple

crabapple juice preserved from 2019 - received two HUGE burlap bags of crabapples from a friend that year

Although I attempted to keep this one on the lower ABV side of things...
dem apples were clearly a bit on the sugary side.

After this finishes at 0.99, the ABV will end right around 11%.

Yeast planned:  Red Star Premier Cote des Blancs

Friday, July 12, 2024

Patriotic Pineapple Blossom top - Finished Friday


Patriotic Pineapple Blossom
Bonnie K. Hunter designer of block
(block pattern)

T'was a bit toasty yesterday around these parts, and although piecing doesn't require a bunch of energy nor movement, spending some time in the cool basement (quilt layout prep area) seemed like a better idea than hanging out in the quilting loft.  Therefore, Dawn's Early Light was given a halting break, and...
... percolating since 2013, the Pineapple Blossom UFO was pulled out with the absolute goal in mind to give her some borders.  All of the pinwheels from the bonus HSTs had already been pieced back in 2013, so the main focus was on the white filler blocks and strips, all requiring just a lil' bit of math.

I am quite fond of this layout, having completed a similar one in my scrappy version.  With the red and blue radiating from the center, however, gives it a firecrackery look; quite patriotic.

With the blueberries already picked for the day, I suppose I should head out to the red currant patch for another annual bountiful harvest. 

Happy Friday.