Sunday, January 12, 2025

Weekly recap of training [Running 2025]

Not a lot of quilting or crocheting going on around here this week.  Most school days end with coming home and gearing up for one training run or another.  I know most of this blog's followers are quilting friends met over the years, but if anyone is also on the Garmin fitness app, come join me as a Connection: (Garmin profile)

Monday: Long & Strong & Fast via NRC Interval run (8:00/10K pace; 4:00/5K pace; 2:00/mile pace - repeat x3).   Ended up tallying 6 miles.  Roads were clear and dry so I wore my Brooks Adrenaline 23s; truly my favorite running shoe currently.  
Bailee and I put the sun to bed that night, which isn't all that hard.  More and more minutes of sunlight are coming our way daily, but the sun still sets right around 5:00, so Bailee and I are donning our safety harnesses glowing ever-so-brightly, for most of our runs. 

Tuesday: Just a simple 5K recovery run with Jen, a colleague, directly after school (~11:34 pace)
Wednesday: An even easier run - "Bring It Down" via NRC; working to hold a tempo pace of 10:30s for 15 minutes after a warmup.  End up tacking another 1.86 miles to the tally.  But Bailee and I weren't done with that simple task, so we added a powerwalk of 2.8 miles @ 14:32/pace as a cooldown.
Thursday:  Powerwalk time with Bailee for the 'rest day.'  We clipped along nicely for 3 miles @ 13:58(!)
Then on Friday - man, I was dragging.  Body was tired.  Mind was tired; t'was the first day in quite some time when I couldn't wait for the final bell to ring in order to simply GO HOME.
I ate.  I rested.  I ate some more.

And Saturday morning was an entirely different story.
Bailee and I start the day with a powerwalk of 3.29 miles (14:08), then a different colleague (Lisa) reached out to see about walking 3 miles in the mall; check. And THEN... laced up during a light snowfall for an EZ long run around our town's lake.

The New Balance Hierro V7 Trail Runners were worn due to the snow cover.  They are heavier and quite a bit clunkier, but the traction seems to handle the covered roads decently enough to keep me feeling confident with my cadence and strides.  

This morning, the week was wrapped up with a short, easy recovery run with Jen after a few fresh inches fell over night.  We wound up driving into town in order to run roads that had already been plowed.

I thought today would bring on some quilting, but in full honesty, I've had my feet up for much of the afternoon, watching Virgin River (and now the Packers).  

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Slow-Stitch Sunday - Sky, Sand & Sea; some progress on Old Town

Made some progress on Old Town mystery step #9 (reveal) this morning before the Packer game at noon.  Another row of Walker's wedding quilt was also pressed; baby-steps with that project; a little bit at a time.  The draw of piecing the blocks for Old Town was simply more appealing than the wedding quilt.

By noon, the feet were propped, crochet hook in hand, and settled myself in with the Sky, Sand & Sea afghan on this Slow-Stitch Sunday, adding a few rows during the Packer/Bear showdown.  The plan is to add a few more rows later this evening when the Lions & Vikings square off.  I can't believe I'm admitting to being excited for that showdown, but.... c'mon man.  It's bound to be a darn good game to watch, even for a Packer fan.

My Beach Life afghan has needed some TLC attention for quite some time.  I never had intentions of using this afghan; rather it was meant to either be gifted to my sister or someone else 'er other.  However, it never made its ways downstairs to the storage bins.  Most of the yarns used were Hobby Lobby's "I Love this Yarn" yarn.  This yarn is currently my favorite to crochet with even though I haven't purchased much in recent years.  It's so soft!! The current Sky, Sand & Sea afghan is being made using the leftovers from this project. 

I'm sure, since I was down in her space on the floor, Bailee couldn't resist thinking it was play time.

Eventually she settled down and took comfort ...

The repair isn't perfect, but it's completely functional once again.

Every sunrise begins with new eyes.
-Richie Norton

 Linking up to Kathy's Quilt for her Slow Sunday Stitching.  Take a peek at what others are working on.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

2025 Rainbow Scraps (Pineapple Blossoms & Connectors); Recovery Run with BDog

That glowing sphere is certainly a beautiful sight after some dreary cold Wisconsin weather lately, HOWEVER, it is some deceivingly beautiful morning sunshine.  She was pretty darn-tootin' chilly this morning.  
-2F, feels like -15F; wind 8mph (7:29 am)

Paul kept a strong, hot, wood-furnace fire burning all night, so the quilting loft was mighty sweltering as I ventured up at 8AM.  Shorts and tshirt it t'was (LOL) as I began piecing and pressing the wedding quilt rows together.  There are clusters of seams that gather at many intersections, so I took my time (painstakingly so) pressing the row seams open... and after three rows pieced, I righteously lost interest... at least for now 😂   

I'll always give ADHD credit for all the projects, hobbies and past-times my life has endured, whether obsessively accomplishing to finishes OR leaving them behind until obsessed enough to pick them up again.

Hence, SoScrappy's 2025 Rainbow Scrap Challenge took over for much of the time remaining in the morning.  Her color for the month of January:  PINK. 💞
Most of my bins (2.5", 2", 1.5") are fairly void of pinks, but found enough to make up a couple of Bonnie K. Hunter's Pineapple Blossom blocks (including BONUS pinwheels), and a couple of self-designed 8" connector-style blocks.

LOL... then this girl won me over.  She seemed antsy.  And hot in the loft!
So, we layered up and hit the pavement for a 45-minute recovery run after I initially said "no way, jose'" this morning due to those temps!
The day had warmed to 7F (feels like -6F with winds still at 8mph), and my running gear consisted of:
 -thermal tights under a pair of thermal pants
 -thin cotton short-sleeve shirt, under a long-sleeve wicking shirt, under a 'cuddle-dud' long-sleeve, under a crew-neck sweatshirt, under my light wind-breaker.
 -stocking cap, fuzzy warm gloves and scarf that wrapped around my lower face, covering nose and mouth.
Outcome:  perfectly comfy, sweaty even, although that head-wind on the final stretch tore through the scarf covering just a wee bit; nothing unbearable though.

Today's quote courtesy of Real Simple Quotes

Make it a great day!
Happy Saturday!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Apple storage; Back to school; Interval training

Back in October, many of my weekends were spent harvesting our apples.  On October 20, I was reaching my limit of APPLE processing!  For others who preserve anything, I know you know the feeling of: 'Limit-Reached.'

Some time was spent researching different ways to process and preserve apples, and one site suggested an intriguing method.  Namely, the best of the best apples, blemish free, were individually wrapped in newspaper and then stored in our root cellar.  
Fast-forward two months to last night, I grabbed a few from the top layer; they were pretty much as crisp and juicy as freshly picked!  
Our root cellar stays right around 40 degrees F, so this specimen was also perfectly chilled.  Chopped up and mixed together with some light greek (vanilla) yogurt and PB2 powder -- you can bet it was a great lil' evening snack.  CONCLUSION: definitely going to keep this method and will continually track monthly progress to see how long these apples remain stored in good condition.

"Mrs. S, we're twinning today!"

It was back to work today after the nice, lengthy holiday break.  A handful of absences (staff and students alike) were observed; the crud-bugs of cold-n-flu season have been around our area over the entire break.  Ughers!  I kept my hand-sanitizer readily available in the pocket of my vest -- no lie!  lol.  I can just fathom all the bugs floating around with the ultimate goal of wiping us (ie: me) out for the weekend.  Nope-nope....not gonna happen!

Today is always the toughest day of the school year, IMO.  After almost 2 weeks of "their own schedules" - OY! It's not uncommon to see dragging feet from the teens (specially when the same is true for many of the adults in the building 😂), but... today was pretty darn good!  Only a little bit of extra patience and grace was needed.  This teaching thing really has some perks and is a pretty good gig.

No quilting on the docket today, but definitely stayed true to the training log...
Today's run was some Interval Training;  5x5:00 @ 10K pace (roughly 9:30/mile pace).
"Being back" (running) feels great, really!  The mental anguish of knowing I was completely back to square one in September actually wasn't that big of a concern because....well... MINDSET!  Speed/pace/times -- all were kept in perspective of 100% beginning stage versus where I left off waaaay back in 2013.  I can't even really say WHY I got back into running.  The whole fitness shift started in August after returning from my FL vacation visiting sis;  and it started with nutrition.  I simply wanted to eat better to feel better.  Anyone who knows anything about fitness and nutrition knows the saying, "you cannot outrun a bad diet."  Being empty-nesters now, it was MUCH easier to manage nutrition, and (not meaning to flex here) the first 10 lbs melted off without any extreme effort; nutrition and lots of walking with Bailee-girl, essentially.
I guess the running just started happening on its own once I dropped those pounds, and then a colleague of mine (also a former athlete, now busy teacher-mom) joined me in a pact of being accountability partners.  Then... race websites were perused... a local-ish race was bookmarked... a certain half-marathon registration link was followed one night when I was in an up-beat, awesome mood, and... v'iola!  Race-date placed on the calendar, training plans set up in the NRC app, and.... there ya have it. And here we are.

And THIS girl has been on most of my runs.  She is my other accountability partner!  Truly, a woman-runner's best friend!!!!!!! 💗🐶🏃.  Can't imagine these runs without her, as I've said before. But I'm not sure about the meteorologists up here;  ummmm, this picture does NOT portray "18 and mostly sunny".  

...and a good day, t'was

Happy Thursday!  Make it a great day 🙌

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Running in the New Year & Old Town quilt steps 7 & 8

**heavenly sigh**
Happy New Year.  Happy 2025.  Happiness to ALL in ALL you endeavor.

Imma start with the short recovery run that Bailee's puppy-dog eyes INSISTED we take this afternoon (I think she was feeling lonely and bored after I had been (almost completely, but not entirely) ignoring her while in the quilting loft for 6ish hours)

LOL.  Having taken the day off of running yesterday, it didn't take much convincing...

... even though t'was a bit on the not-so-nice scale outside.  I really don't mind running in cold weather, but that wind is another story.  Ughers!  BUT... I bundled, and we got out for a simple down-n-back to the corner.
Truly an easy run:  1.77 miles (11'37/mile pace).  The knees were apparent right off the bat, but by the end, they had loosened nicely.  When we ran the Half on Monday, it wasn't initially on the weekly plan; actually about 4 weeks too soon, but we only 'ran' it versus 'racing' it.  I wanted to end the year meeting my December goal of >100 miles having only done it once before in 2013. Despite, the knees were starting to become a bit tender during the last half mile or so. 
December wrap-up: 104.5 miles 👊, my second highest monthly mileage ever.

I use the Nike Run Club (NRC) app on my phone to track all my runs.  I LOVE this app!  There are plans available for many different race-lengths and/or for simple walks or runs a person may be interested in, all for free, and coach-guided for EVERY plan.  Today, Coach Bennett had us focus on the purpose of every run.  During Monday's Half-marathon training run, right around mile 8, he had us focus on two things that were going well, and then later at about 8.5 miles, two things that weren't going that great.
I was brain-dead.  I couldn't come up with ANYTHING!  Not a brag at all.  Just... wow; like I really couldn't think of anything that was going poo-poo.  
For the most part, life is good!  The run was clipping along.  Bailee is an amazing partner.  I LOVE running with her!!!  She really makes my time laced up SO enjoyable!  Things are going well with a couple colleagues who have also been on a fitness journey.  School, for the most part, is going swimmingly well.  Family is good.  AND, I've been on holiday break, and the stress had started melting away already last week.

So, I am knocking VERY loudly on the wood armrest of my glider-rocker.
Life. Is. Good!  And I TRULY hope the same is true for you!!!

Okay, now onto the quilting.
#Clue7done ✔️ Trimmed and tidied right away; that certainly doesn’t always happen 😆

And bless this guy; he schlepped up one of his Little Giant ladders to replace some dead bulbs in my quilting loft;  I was down to three from six, so some supplemental lights had been sufficing in the meantime.  And me?... I continued on with the Old Town mystery, cutting, cutting and more cutting of browns and neutrals for clue #8 for about four hours to completion.

And all of THAT while, making continual progress on the star blocks for Dawn's Early Light.

Bailee at least seems to be content now.  And after 45 minutes in my portable steam sauna (a Cyber Monday self-purchased Christmas present to myself), I too am quite content.  I am not an affiliate to Amazon or the likes, but maaaan oh mannnn, this Portable Steam Sauna has been one of my Top10 best purchases EVER.  The picture here is my POV to the sauna's window viewed through the steam from the chair that included 😊💆

Happy New Year, 2025.  And remember to #MakeItAGreatDay!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Old Town quilt - parts 5 & 7

POV mid-morning;  
Old Town quilt part 4 underway, with some Dawn's Early Light star blocks prepped as my L/E

When updating posts with quilting progress, specially from days of 6+ hours in front of the machine, it's sometimes difficult to track back through the day for specific highlights.  All quilters know that certain stages of quilting becomes monotonous, so these part 5 blocks were completed 4-at-a-time, double-sewing the corners to make some bonus HSTs.

AND... **drumroll**... the pressing AND trimming of the bonus HSTs happened right away.  I'm fairly certain had I sewn all the units first, I woulda crossed the threshold of major boredom pressing and trimming these bonuses.  

Clue #5 is now complete, and sometime last week (I think?), I already completed clue #6, so clue #7 was read, saved and started.

I'm only partway through the units with one corner sewn before closing up for the night.  The fact that most of the fabrics were pulled from my 1.5" bin is quite pleasing.  Tomorrow, these should be finished off lickity-split and then sewn to the hourglass units to complete the clue.  Then, #8.  From the sounds of it on the Quiltville FB page, some have reached their limit on Flying Geese blocks.  But this is Bonnie!  LOL. 

There was a small interlude of a roadtrip midday when Paul needed to pick up some pig feed and he invited me to ride along. Couldn't resist walking through these aisles, however it was easy to resist walking away empty handed.  

It's New Year's Eve, and we have long done away with remaining awake until midnight to ring in the new year.  So, I'm off to bed in order to get up for another full day in front of the machine before needing to head back to school on Thursday.  

Happy Tuesday.  And Happy (almost) New Year.