What else would you expect, right?
Okay, let's do this chronologically...
The first thing I did when I tiptoed downstairs this morning was to search for the fabric in my stash that is simply "too good to cut."

What is it about a lovely bundle of fat-quarters, so nicely stacked and tied off with a ribbon? While holding my breath, I cut the ribbon and had a closer look at these goodies that have been sitting for....umm.....a year? I have no idea how long! How LOVELY! The perfect fabric for this challenge...
After snapping that picture, I took a look around, but wasn't motivated to work on
Chunky Churndash. Instead, I pulled out two kits that have been sitting on my shelf for almost TWO YEARS! Doing the ever popular "Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Moe" game, I decided to dive into a new project....simply called
Snuggler. ((yeah, not very creative)).

It's made of woodsy flannels designed by a local designer, Debbie Field. ((My husband built her house...a whole long story could follow, but...)) If you have ever purchased a kit before, you know how much excessive fabric that is usually included. Well, after an hour of cutting and piecing, I had the top laid out ((you see
Chunky Churndash under it?)), with LOADS of extra fabric. And quite frankly, the quilt was kinda puny. SO, cut, cut, snip, snip, sew, sew---the quilt grew, and I used up just about all of the "extra" yardage! Seriously; it grew by one full row and one full column. I COULD have really burned this baby up today as a finish, but shortly after 10:00, the girls had some visitors, and my quilting space kinda got...demolished!

Pictured are my three girls and two of their friends jumping onto some cushions that are being housed in the basement until they can return to their home in the camper next Spring. I kept my fingers crossed, turned my head, and hoped that no broken bones were on the menu!!!
Upstairs I went for a little solitude away from the noise, and went roaming the web. Just like yesterday, it's a fun journey to just wander and find quilting goodies all over! Somehow, I ended up the Red Rooster Fabrics site, on
Jennifer Chiaverini's designer page, and saw the
Elm Creek Quilts: Joanna's Collection pattern. LOVELY!!! So, naturally...my head started seeing the pattern in the colors I set aside this morning for the Too Good to Cut challenge. ((careful, a cliche is about to come...).... they were a match made in heaven!

I risked my life heading back downstairs through the war zone to my quilting nook and started pulling other fabs that could "go" with my blessed eight FQ's. Fabrics found, labeled, and stored safely on my shelf for a start.....
and despite how BADLY I wanted to cut into yet ANOTHER new project, I-DIDN'T! YES! That was a huge "non"step forward!

The rest of the day was spent with the girls, putting on/taking off snowpants/boots/the-whole-lot, making hot chocolate, playing checkers, making lunch, and a lot of downtime on the computer!
...which brings me to the final part of this post.....
I had mentioned yesterday (?) that I was interested in taking part in my first block swap. A google search left me (still) with my arms up in the air, so I went off to Quiltvillechat and sent out an APB.
Nan came to my rescue and forwarded me to
SewManySwaps Yahoo group. And then.....that bad 'ol Murphy was FINALLY on my side!!! She informed me (and opened up the door) that they were nearing the end of a red/black/white Bonnie Hunter Pineapple block swap!!! How perfect!!! ((Angela knows exactly what I mean!!)) Just yesterday (today?) I was telling her how I wanted to make a pineapple block, and Bonnie's pattern makes it SO do-able! Nan accepted me into the group ((THANKS NAN!!)), and I went surfing away, reading the rules and everything else. I have NO red, black, or white fabric that is being requested, so my game plan is to head to the quilt shop tomorrow AM after Cassie's basketball game to buy some goodies. My goodness! I haven't bought fabric in ages!!! Since July????

Once 5:00 rolled around, DH drove the visiting girls home, I made up some dinner, and then headed down to try out a few sample Pineapple blocks, JUST to be sure I could get as accurate as possible. And besides, now that I have two scrappy blocks done, now I HAVE to make at least 18 more of them for (at least) a small quilt...
Happy Friday!!!