Our school's Regional Destination Imagination (DI) competition was held yesterday; Cassie is yet again participating (this is her 3rd year).

Her team was one of the first to compete in the day (8:40 AM), which then lead to LOTS and LOTS of down-time while waiting for their Instant Challenge (12:30) and then MORE down-time until awards at 4:00. The team filled up the downtime with games and karaoke.
But finally, the awards time came.....and "Challenge B, Elementary Division, Solar Stage" was announced. I was in ready-mode with my camera......
3rd place announced....Not us
And then...."2nd place, and going on to state, 'Team ZAANACO/Dunham, Shell Lake'"

From a distance, with no flash, and EXCITED MOVEMENT, LEAPING UP IN THE AIR......this is what I got. :0) Oh well!

State is a few weeks away (April 14), and in a town close to Paul's and my parents. All grandparents are excited to watch the State skit :0)
During OUR downtime, we (Paul, myself, Caitlyn and Candace) headed back home to get some indoor seed planting done. (One advantage of having the Regional Competition in a town only 8 miles away!!!)

This cute "Sprout-n-Grow" contraption was gifted to us from a coworker, so we planted some peas and can't wait to see the germination begin!

In addition to our typical starter pots, we had the girls decorate some styrofoam cups for "their" seeds. Any guesses at the two different styles of seeds in these cups?????
The girls and I have been in cleaning-mode all morning; laundry, dusting, sweeping, dishes, bathroom, dining room. And now, they are upstairs in their rooms, cleaning (even though it sounds a bit more like playing to me)
We hope to hit the Theater matinees today at 1:00 and 1:10 for "The Hunger Games" for Cassie and myself, and "The Lorax" for Paul, Caitlyn and Candace. With the weather as GLORIOUS as it is yet AGAIN, we MAY be postponing those plans until 4:00 and 4:!0. :0)
Happy Sunday