...and remained rather ordinary, until about 8:00 pm.
That's when the craziness started!

*chuckling at the memory of what I saw when I walked into the garage. I only WISH I had the camera at that exact moment to capture his face*

Come to find out that SEVEN of the chicks had jumped out of the make-shift pen he put together for the night in the garage (only for the little ones. The big ones are outside). Yeah, well, three of them remained in the pen, so he was placing a roll of chicken wire over the top to keep them in. But.......*laffin*.....for the next 20 minutes we were chasing the other SEVEN around the garage, TYRING to catch them and get them in the pen.

Okay...but the craziness doesn't stop there. After reading throught 85 emails, I came across a very curious one. Lo-n-behold, I WON!!!!! I had completely forgotten that the Quilting Gallery (http://quiltinggallery.com/) was having a give-a-way for the 6 month of blogging. Well, I WON! And, of course, I MUST say the ol' cliche---(please forgive me)---- I NEVER WIN ANYTHING!
To wrap up this post, I also ran tonight, but nothing out of the ordinary there, except it really went smoothly. AND, I think I figured out why I've been registering "dead" in the HR%. I think my watch batteries need to be replaced, because at about 3 minutes into my run, my watch went "wacko" and started beeping, then went completely blank. Good thing I had a BACKUP watch on.....(yeah, yeah, yeah....a bit weird! I know!!!) I like wearing both watches, because my "normal" watch, I use to keep an eye on my time, and the HR watch I use for....well....to see my HR. So, another 3.2 miles down, with yet another tiny improvement on my time.
Off to bed I go.....HOPING I won't hear the chicks! (Our bedroom shares a wall with the garage)......
Happy Thursday! I probably won't be checking in again until Sunday night.
Sounds like fun - I'm sure your chicks will be terrible time wasters until they grow up and become a bit more boring. Do you have to fox-proof your chicken run? We have so many here that people have to go extraordinary lengths to safeguard them.
85 emails???
Have a great weekend.
Sounds like fun, I can't wait until you get the pigs (lol). If they get out, it must be fun to chase them, as my nieces and nephews do that for fun in Iowa.
Congratulations on your win. What was the prize?
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