Cassie was more interested in a TV show than learning to sew, so I hung up my OWN wall {{yeah, just a few push-pins and I have my OWN wall for use {{Walmart $5.00 tablecloth purchase}}....who needs DH anyway??)
Lately, I can't stay on one project too long----I get bored. Yup, yup---that's why my UFO and WIP list gets bigger instead of smaller.
Remember my Paintbox blocks?

So....kinda Like-Colorish Chromatic?
hmm...I can see moving that bottom red row back up by the other one...maybe move a couple other rows....yeah...yeah.....WOW! I should design from pictures more often...
Or Random All over?
ignore that lil' gapa 1.5" white sashing (finished) will go around each block....
Okay...Cassie is ready to sew now that I reappeared upstairs...... "out of sight, out of mind".....
Guess the Design Wall will need to wait 'til later...
Love that the oldest is trying her hand at sewing! I remember one summer when mine were between 8 and 14...each one picked out some favorites and with my help they made their own large square flannel quilt. I took pictures of the whole process and they turned out is one of my happiest memories! I might have to dig out those pics and blog on that! OH-and I love the second mixed version of your paintbox quilt!
I like the rows, it makes it seem planned, yet still spontaneous. So cool that the girls are getting into sewing. There was a quilt camp here last week and Anna refused to go. "It's quilt camp at my house everyday", she said. Ouch! Of course after her friends told her about how much fun they had on the first day she wanted to go in and sign up right away.
As to the quilters ADD, I think most of us suffer from it now and again. Every once in a while a project catches our attention and won't let go until the last stitch is taken, but most of the time it is start and stop. It all gets done eventually though.
I like that last photo just as it is! I'd sew that right up!
I really like the color chromatic rows!
Linda in Southern Illinois
I vote random!
I like the random one, too!
My mom was thinking about putting up a design wall. I told her about you using the flannel backed table cloth and she got really excited! She said she had one at home that she was going to go home and put up. Thanks for thinking outside of the box for us!!!
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