Oh....my poooooor hands! I have my moments of whining, and this is definitely one of those times! My hands haven't seen work like this in a while; I forget how rough tiles are! And how heavy and difficult they are to "jimmy-around" to get the lines just right after being mortared to the floor.

The start was slow going, making sure lines were straight and square....and.....I hate to admit that the further and further I progressed, I was getting frustrated with the lines! The 12" tiles are just a bit larger than the 12x24" blue rectangles, so I had to adjust as I went. Some of the lines are pretty shabby!!! {
I really don't mind, but DH is the picky one....."resale honey! resale!".....psht! If he thinks we're moving out of this house anytime soon, he has another thing COMIN'!}

Caitlyn kept me company for some of the morning, playing around with the little bits-n-pieces of tiles broken apart. She called me over to take a look at her "mosaic bird"----I guess so--if you say so Caitlyn!

So, it's just about noon, and this is all she wrote for now. I'm out of mortar with only a few more short rows left to do. NO--I'm NOT blaming DH's math skills {{
I think he just grabbed a tub thinking it'd be plenty without actually calculating the square footage}}
So...a quick bite to eat and then we're off to Menards (the local "Man's Mall" up in these here parts). And now that I know it's NOT Father's Day, I don't feel so proud about taking Paul to the Man's Mall anymore..... Oh well---he'll still be in heaven!
It looks great, but oh so frustrating to be so close to the finish. It's just like running out of thread at a crucial stage.
Great job, Amy. I think you doing the flooring definitely counts as a Father's Day gift! Your Menard's is like our Home Depot or Lowe's down here in Texas. My grandson calls it Man Land! I love it. I went to Menard's when we were up in Michigan and they are about the same...You have more stuff for snow and ice. Take care and put some cream on those hands. A nice manicure too if you have time. Hugs, Linda
It looks like you're coming along really well! Tiling is hard work.
OK, so I stand officially corrected. I guess we'll have to bake another cake next weekend. The tile is looking great. I really don't think anyone is going to be checking out the grout lines in the basement. They will just be so impressed that it is finished. Think about the square footage you are adding to your house with all the hard work. Can't wait to see how it looks with walls.
Tiles are a pain but just think how fantastic it will look when they are done. Love the pattern you are doing - it will look amazing.
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