My Bonnie Patterns

Since I found Quiltville in 2007, my quilting endeavors have taken on a new life. When I found Bonnie, she had just started up the Quiltvillechat yahoo group, so my timing was perfect. I missed her Carolina Crossroads mystery; but I made up for that during the first few months of 2008. Additionally, I participated in the Orange Crush mystery and most mysteries since.  Her designs push your limits to a COMPLETELY new level.  She's amazing!

Here is a list of what I've made so far: (most recent finish listed first)
1/1/2025 update -- THIS NEEDS AN UPDATE -- big time!  LOL


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

WOW you have made 19 of Bonnie's creations! You are way ahead of me. I am only working on #2 with Orca Bay. Getting ready to start on Pineapple Blossoms, trying to figure out what color to use with my purple strings I loaded up on yesterday. It isn't going to be scrappyscrappy. Kinda controlled scrappy. I have all of Bonnie's books on my wish lists. :D

Ms. C said...

I agree - Bonnie's patterns are addictive! I love her scrap users system and her patterns seem to be the first thing I head to when I just want to sit and sew for a while.

Andee said...

And always adding to the list! One can never have or make too many Bonnie quilts!

Yvette said...

I am so impressed! Bonnie is my favorite designer and I vowed to have one of her quilts going at all times from now on. I have one finished and two going at the moment but the list of "want to do Bonnie quilts" is a mile long. Thanks for the inspiration.

tealeafquilts said...

I'm impressed. I have Cathedral Stars and Celtic Solstice in progress and also, Smith Mountain Morning from the retreat this weekend. Who woulda thought I would love those tiny pieces.

tealeafquilts said...

I completed my Smith Mountain Morning quilt his weekend and then realized that there were 1568 pieces in the center portion of the quilt before adding borders. I had SEW much fun! Sewing Bonnie's way is a revelation in saving time for sure! Now I'm anxious to finish Cathedral Stars and Celtic Solstice, although I'm not sure I will make CS as big as she prescribes. Maybe a full size. Who knows.